Bruno Miguel


Winter is coming. Not with some sort of ice zombies and dragons, but with colds, probably flu. Oh, and the damn fucking sinusitis.

This last one is a bitch! Every few years, my sinusitis headaches become so bad that it feels like I spent a week hitting my head on the walls. This year is an example of this: it's not even winter, and I've had a headache from sinusitis for almost two weeks, with some days so bad that I could barely keep my eyes open and had to take almost twice the recommended amount of pills just to be able to decrease it a little.

The flu wouldn't cause me this much pain.

If this is already happening during autumn, it will probably be much more painful during winter. This is just what I needed: even more pain... It's not like the fibromyalgia keeps me in a ton of pain 24/7...

#Sinusitis #Ramblings

We've started watching β€œHis Dark Materials” TV show. We're on the first season, with two more to go. So far, we're liking it.

#Ramblings #Entertainment #TV

I was watching Shiza's Twitch stream around an hour ago, and at some point, burnout came up in the conversation. This made me think about what I've been experiencing, and it's eerily similar to burnout, although it's not the same thing, and there's more to it.

You may know this as brain fog. Covid brought this issue to the spotlight. The difficulties concentrating and lack of mental energy are severe issues in chronic pain (and we now know that it also occurs with COVID-19), and they're hard to deal with. But, at least to me, the worst part of brain fog is the cognitive impairment.


My heart rate has been wacky, and one of the last medical exams I did picked up on that. No wonder: I'm always stressed because I have my life fsck'd up, I'm in pain 24/7, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to get it on track and stop feeling a ton of pain. To see if it's something potentially severe or nothing to worry about, I'm wearing a Holter monitor for the next 24 hours. This is the cyborg phase of my life.

I'm joking, but I'm a bit concerned. I hope this is a mild arrhythmia and nothing more, as my doctor suspects. I don't need any more health issues in my life.

#Ramblings #Health

One of the things fibromyalgia brought me is an increasing sensibility to noise. Things have become so bad that I get massive headaches, worse than the ones sinusitis presents me with. Of course, with them, I also get photosensitivity and an urge to vomit. If this shit continues, I'll have to stay at home during the holidays and birthdays.

#Fibromyalgia #Noise #Ramblings

Just minutes ago, I remembered a website where I used to have an account. I have no idea why I remembered it; it just sprung into my memory.

Logging in took me on a journey down memory lane. It was like opening a time capsule more than a decade after burring it. So many memories came back from those times long gone.

What a blast from the past.

#Memories #Ramblings