Bruno Miguel


Winter is coming. Not with some sort of ice zombies and dragons, but with colds, probably flu. Oh, and the damn fucking sinusitis.

This last one is a bitch! Every few years, my sinusitis headaches become so bad that it feels like I spent a week hitting my head on the walls. This year is an example of this: it's not even winter, and I've had a headache from sinusitis for almost two weeks, with some days so bad that I could barely keep my eyes open and had to take almost twice the recommended amount of pills just to be able to decrease it a little.

The flu wouldn't cause me this much pain.

If this is already happening during autumn, it will probably be much more painful during winter. This is just what I needed: even more pain... It's not like the fibromyalgia keeps me in a ton of pain 24/7...

#Sinusitis #Ramblings