Tai Lam on a Bike

Tai Lam's adventures on bikes

There is a site called Read Comic Online, which I first saw when I on a fellow student's laptop during my last year of undergraduate studies.


East of West is probably the best self-contained story I've read recently in the general genre of comic series, graphic novel, and manga. It's longer than one collected book, yet isn't a series that feels like it's going on forever, such as Naruto or Boruto.


I've sat in enough public meetings for municipal projects to know that there aren't enough literal sensors (yet) to differentiate between walkers, bikers, and motor vehicle drivers. However, a heuristic “hack” around this limitation is to use cell phone location data.

Apparently, it's a common practice for traffic studies to use cell phone location data to estimate the number of walkers, bikers, and drivers. This is just one method used by local transportation planners.

Your cell phone's location is being tracked all the time by the SIM card-based technology in it (or the eSIM equivalent, if you've been bamboozled by the iPhone 14 or newer iPhones that only use eSIM).


I'm saving documents regarding the groundwater apporach to racism. This might be useful for group usage later, or might not be.


(Originally written for another purpose)

Do you know your ABCs of bike checks?


Originally collected on July 6, 2024

I have been trying to research how to play music via Bluetooth with only one audio input and 2 or more (preferably the latter) Bluetooth speakers in a manner that is independent of Bluetooth speaker OEM.

I didn't make that much progress, but basically here are my notes


Originally written on July 4, 2024

Wendover Productions released a YouTube video in December 2023 about the MBTA.

Really horrible clickbait title, though interesting content. (You should probably stop engaging in this trashy and honestly underhanded practice. Who's the editor that pushed for or approved this title?)


The 2021 edition of the DJ Ripper is an aluminum bike. (There is a 2022 edition, but I think the blue variant of that model, which is set to black, doesn't look as good as the steel finish of the 2021 model.)

I had no idea what I was getting myself into, as I had only my steel adult bike from Target in high school as baseline for my bike experience.


I am not sure about the origin of this video of a cluster of daddy long legs, called by those who study arachnids (which includes spiders, but daddy long legs are not spiders), but this video of such an aggregate being disturbed has been known since at least 2015.


My biking group is especially interested in DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) – though TBH we're already busy enough on the daily that this is sort of a back burner item.