3: Finding old social media posts: aggregates of daddy long legs

I am not sure about the origin of this video of a cluster of daddy long legs, called by those who study arachnids (which includes spiders, but daddy long legs are not spiders), but this video of such an aggregate being disturbed has been known since at least 2015.

I first saw a clip of this on Tumblr, back when I had too much time in high school and early undergrad.

Daddy long legs are from the order Opiliones.

This clip seems to be from an episode of the show Outrageous Acts of Science, which was on the Science Channel.

So, not lost media, but social media isn't exactly the best medium to detail sources of information.

I decided to put this here, as this deals a bit with nature and the outdoors. There are daddy long legs around in New England, but I don't think they gather to make aggregates, like in Mexico.