6: Trying to design a multi-Bluetooth speaker setup for music while biking

Originally collected on July 6, 2024

I have been trying to research how to play music via Bluetooth with only one audio input and 2 or more (preferably the latter) Bluetooth speakers in a manner that is independent of Bluetooth speaker OEM.

I didn't make that much progress, but basically here are my notes

Basically, Bluetooth speakers need to have Bluetooth protocol version 5.2 or later, which should be capable of Auaracast. Most new-ish phones will most likely this Bluetooth protocol, but the speakers are another matter. So, basically the latest speakers from 2023 and later tend to have Auracast.

I've been considering how to play music while via Bluetooth in a way that lets multiple bikers with speakers of different speakers to play the same music, in the case of playing an official ride playlist. (The audio source would hypothetically not matter, as it could be either a local music collection or a cloud app, such as Spotify.) Since I can't make any more progress now, I'll have to shelf this effort for now.

These are my resources:

Also for outdoor/indoor use

I also tried looking up Bluetooth transmitters, but this didn't really seem to lead anywhere.
