CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch)


List of some useful links, news sites, and open web search engines that also provide .Onion service access through Tor :tor:. Each searx site varies on their up time, so it pays to visit the 🗂️⁠SearXNG Index to find alternatives.

📌⁠List of torified fedi instances (ᵃˡˢᵒ🦣ⷨ) 📌⁠List of useful torified sites (ᵃˡˢᵒ🦣ⷨ)

🗃️⁠Archive.Today⁠〰️→🧅⁠archivei… 💻⁠DEFCON Forums⁠→🧅⁠ezdhgsy… 💻⁠DEFCON Home⁠〰️→🧅⁠g7ejphhu… 💻⁠DEFCON Media⁠〰️→🧅⁠m6rqq6k… 🔐⁠⁠→🧅⁠zkaan2x… 🔖⁠⁠〰️〰️→🧅⁠redditorj…★ 📚⁠zLibrary Articles⁠→🧅⁠articles2… 📚⁠zLibrary Books⁠→🧅⁠bookszlib…


🗞️⁠BBC News⁠〰️〰️→🧅⁠bbcnewsd…★ 🗞️⁠DeutscheWelle⁠→🧅⁠dwnewsg…★ 🗞️⁠ProPublica⁠〰️〰️→🧅⁠p53lf57… 🗞️⁠The Guardian⁠〰️→🧅⁠guardian2…

🗂️⁠SearXNG Index⁠→🧅⁠searxspb… 🔍⁠divided-by-zero⁠→🧅⁠f4qfqajs… 🔍⁠⁠〰️〰️→🧅⁠lgmekfn…★ 🔍⁠⁠→🧅⁠4n53nafyi… 🔍⁠⁠〰️→🧅⁠searchvrz… 🔍⁠⁠〰️〰️〰️→🧅⁠privateoz… 🔍⁠⁠〰️〰️→🧅⁠rq2w52k… 🔍⁠⁠〰️〰️→🧅⁠gbat2pb… 🔍⁠⁠→🧅⁠z5vawdo… 🔍⁠thefloatinglab⁠→🧅⁠iziatwmt… 🔍⁠tiekoetter⁠〰️〰️→🧅⁠searx3ao…

⸻ (★ = Supports HTTPS-over-Onion) 🐈🥗

#TorProject #OnionService #OnionServices #Tor #Onion #Privacy #CatSalad


List of fediverse instances that also provide access through .Onion servers using Tor Hidden Services. I will add more as I find them... Well, most of them anyway.

📌⁠List of torified fedi instances (ᵃˡˢᵒ🦣ⷨ) 📌⁠List of useful torified sites (ᵃˡˢᵒ🦣ⷨ)


⁠⛔⁠⁠〰️〰️〰️→🧅⁠alivebrntm… 💻⁠〰️→🧅⁠zpj4sjt4a…★ 💻⁠⁠〰️〰️〰️〰️→🧅⁠iejideks5z…★ 💻⁠⁠→🧅⁠7jaxqg6… ⛔⁠⁠⁠〰️→🧅⁠klktvbm… ⛔⁠⁠⁠〰️〰️〰️→🧅⁠yiynyc2ly…★ 💻⁠⁠〰️→🧅⁠c6usaa6… 💻⁠⁠→🧅⁠octodonic… ⛔⁠⁠⁠〰️→🧅⁠partyonl2… ⛔⁠⁠⁠〰️→🧅⁠nqt42rzz5… 💻⁠〰️〰️→🧅⁠irvqsc5bb… 💻⁠⁠〰️〰️〰️→🧅⁠ak.vernccv… 💻⁠⁠〰️→🧅⁠qm7a3tu…

⸻ (★ = Supports HTTPS-over-Onion) (⛔⁠ = Cloudflared)


#FediTor #TorProject #OnionService #OnionServices #Fedi #Tor #Onion #Privacy #CatSalad