Hello World!

This blog would serve many purposes:

There were many times when I felt like I could benefit from having my own blog. It didn't even need to be specifically a blog; it could have been a Pastebin or repository to dump my thoughts (to not forget something important).

I was hesitant at first since I grew up with blogs like Xanga. The stuff I wrote as a high school student was downright embarrassing. I also learned the dangers of being too open on the internet, the privacy risks, and now of operational security.

There are benefits to be able to draft up a more nuanced post. I remember being limited to 140 characters, and trying to find creative acronyms and ways to thread together messages.

So my blog will be a long form version of my Mastodon activity: Open source information, summaries and links. I'm still getting used to WriteFreely, and exploring the limitations of the platform.

Found a mistake, or have a link for a threat actor profile? Direct Message me on Mastodon at https://infosec.exchange/@screaminggoat , thank you!🐐