CTI Report Template

This is a variation of Kraven Security's Cyber Threat Intelligence Report Template which contains great information already but I added my own preferences. Feel free to use this however you'd like.

Report: # Date: Priority: Low/Moderate/High/Critical Source and Reliability Information: Admiralty Scale Score [A-F][1-6] Sensitivity: Traffic Light Protocol

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Key Takeaways
  3. Intelligence Assessment
  4. Key Intelligence Gaps
  5. Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)
  6. MITRE ATT&CK Techniques
  7. Detection Opportunities
  8. Appendices
    • Probability Matrix
    • Priority Matrix
    • Source Reliability and Information Credibility
    • Confidence Levels
    • Feedback Contacts
    • Definitions and Acronyms

1. Executive Summary

A brief summary of the report. It should explain the report's significance, create a simple, easy-to-follow narrative of its key findings, and support a single decision. The reader should be able to make an informed decision based entirely on this summary. Aim to answer the following questions concisely:

2. Key Takeaways

A bulleted list of the key findings from this report. Aim to answer the following questions:

This bulleted list is followed by a table summarizing key intelligence and a general analysis of the threat the report discusses using the Diamond Model. This allows key intelligence metrics to be easily identified and visualized.

Intelligence Requirements Addressed Citation of the IR addressed by this report
Data Sources
Threat Actor Primary threat actor (and aliases) or N/A or Unknown
Victim Location Country of victim
Sectors Industry targeted
Motivation Cybercrime / Espionage / Hacktivism / Ransomware / ICS / Other / Unknown

Diamond Model

Capabilities Adversary Infrastructure Victim
MITRE technique, malware, hacking tool Threat Actor, alias, email address, persona IP address, domain name, URL, C2 server company, workstation/server name, email address

3. Intelligence Assessment

This section should include:

This section should include a kill chain analysis technique like Lockheed Martin’s Cyber Kill Chain. List the IOCs or TTPs found at each stage of the attack to create an attack narrative for the reader. The security operations team can then use this to identify possible mitigations or gaps.

Cyber Kill Chain

4. Key Intelligence Gaps

A bulleted list that summarizes additional information the CTI team needs to complete their analysis and raise the confidence of the assessment. You should highlight gaps affecting the assessment, such as if new information is discovered or existing information is proven wrong.

These gaps should be tracked externally from the report using a project/task management system.

5. Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)

This section consists of IOCs found on endpoint devices (workstations, servers, mobile devices), in network logs, related malware, and any vulnerabilities relevant to the threat being discussed.

6. Appendices

Probability Matrix

almost no chance very unlikely unlikely roughly even chance likely very likely almost certain(ly)
remote highly improbable improbable roughly even odds probable (probably) highly probable nearly certain
01-05% 05-20% 20-45% 45-55% 55-80% 80-95% 95-99%

Analysts are strongly encouraged not to mix terms from different rows. Products that do mix terms must include a disclaimer clearly noting the terms indicate the same assessment of probability.

To avoid confusion, products that express an analyst's confidence in an assessment or judgment using a “confidence level” (e.g., “high confidence”) must not combine a confidence level and a degree of likelihood, which refers to an event or development, in the same sentence.

Priority Matrix

You should assign each report a priority based on its impact on your organization. The following table describes four general priority levels you can assign to a report.

Source and Information Reliability

Each report should include an evaluation of source reliability. An industry standard is the Admiralty Scale, developed by NATO. This scale scores source reliability on a scale of A-F and information credibility on a scale of 1-6. Attaching an appendix that describes this to the reader provides clarity.

Source Reliability (A-F)

Information Credibility (1-6)

Confidence Levels

Sensitivity Matrix

Each report should attach a sensitivity level as defined by your organization’s data protection policy. This ensures data is handled appropriately and only shared with appropriate personnel. Attaching an appendix that describes this to the reader provides clarity.

Feedback Contacts

Provide a point of contact where the intelligence consumer can direct their feedback once the intelligence report has been published. This will help the CTI team improve future reports, ensure intelligence requirements are being met, and maintain communication channels.

Definitions and Acronyms

A list of key terms and acronyms used throughout the report. This lets the reader understand how the CTI team defines a particular technical term.