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from ideas

En “Free as in Freedom (2.0)” [1]​, Richard Stallman narra el origen del movimiento de código libre que el mismo encabeza desde hace décadas. Este movimiento, punto de partida tanto de un porcentaje elevado del código sin el cual el mundo que conocemos no sería posible, como de una interpretación original de lo que suponen los bienes comunes, puede entenderse como una base sólida a partir de la cual intentar desarrollar una generalización teórica más amplia de lo que constituyen hoy los modelos libres, así como de sus antagónicos modelos propietarios respectivos.
Articulo Sobre ciclismo urbano libre

Modelos de código libre y propietario

En la época en la que Stallman se une al laboratorio de inteligencia artificial del MIT, el código informático es de uso libre. Salvando las distancias, éste se asemeja a una receta de cocina: algo que no pertenece a nadie en particular y que no es posible explotar en beneficio propio únicamente. Muy al contrario, se trata de algo que podría definirse como un bien común: un conocimiento extendido que se comparte, del que todo el mundo se beneficia y enriquece. El código es algo libre, un bien colectivo que todo el mundo puede estudiar y modificar, aportando mejoras que redunden en el beneficio común. Ese es el caldo de cultivo en el que se cimenta un movimiento que no puede considerarse como original en su concepción, pero sí en la definición de sus objetivos. Es el modelo de código informático libre.
Hacia el final de los años 70 se produce un evento germinal. Un día cualquiera en el MIT, una impresora produce un error: al intentar corregir el fallo en el código como tantas otras veces, los integrantes del laboratorio se encuentran frente a un hecho que les resulta completamente extraño. Son conscientes por vez primera de no tener acceso al código fuente de la impresora y, por lo tanto, no son capaces de poder estudiarlo y reparar el error. Ese momento, el de afrontar por vez primera un código propietario (cerrado e inaccesible) es el origen de la frustración de Stallman, constituyendo por oposición el embrión del movimiento de código libre (abierto y modificable). Es el origen del modelo de código informático propietario.
La gran mayoría de las personas, pasada la sorpresa inicial, acabaron adhiriendo al modelo de código propietario, muy extendido hoy día, aunque no todas. Las más reticentes, educadas en un modelo cuya premisa fundamental es que compartir favorece al colectivo, y por lo tanto indirectamente al individuo, se lanzaron a escribir código abierto y libre, compartiéndolo con todo aquel que mostrara interés. A cambio, se le pedía únicamente que al aportar mejoras al código, éste fuera igualmente compartido: aceptar el modelo abierto implicaba hacerlo en beneficio mutuo. Hoy, el movimiento se ha expandido y a pesar de continuar siendo minoritario, puede considerarse como un sinónimo de libertad, seguridad y deseo de compartir los bienes comunes.
El modo de funcionamiento habitual del modelo de código propietario suele consistir en recortar la libertad de los usuarios, educándoles desde muy pronto en la existencia de un único modelo [2]​, de modo que vean restringida su capacidad de elección a un número limitado de códigos, generalmente relacionados entre ellos por fuertes dependencias, eliminando toda compatibilidad con otros códigos. El usuario debe optar por un conjunto acotado de soluciones, siempre las mismas independientemente de sus necesidades particulares, debiendo ser él quien se adapte a esas soluciones, gratuitas [3]​ y de uso directo únicamente en apariencia, que constituirán una fuente de beneficios económicos inmediatos para el beneficiario del modelo en forma bien de dinero, bien en forma de obtención de los datos personales del usuario [4]​. Un pensamiento único fomentado y dirigido por el beneficiario del modelo proporcionará a éste el entorno adecuado para su expansión, legitimándolo, al mismo tiempo que se propaga la idea de peligrosidad e inseguridad en todo aquel código informático que no tenga por origen el valedor del modelo propietario. El modelo de código libre, abierto, propulsor de código legible y seguro se ve así relegado a un ámbito minoritario de adeptos.
Desde el momento en que el usuario accede al modelo de código propietario es muy difícil salir de él, hasta llegar a un punto de no retorno que se puede manifestar en forma de incapacidad de acceder a sus propios datos, debiendo por lo tanto perpetuar el uso de códigos propietarios si se quiere poder seguir utilizando esos datos; inaccesibilidad económica al modelo, oneroso por definición; imposibilidad hardware de hacer funcionar el código propietario debido a los elevados recursos que consuma éste e incluso obligación de renovar periódicamente dicho hardware, con el coste asociado; mal funcionamiento del código propietario, sin alternativa posible por incompatibilidad con otros códigos; fallos de seguridad ignorados por no ser un código auditable, lo que conlleva a la imposibilidad de continuar usando ese código, etc. Llegado a este punto, el usuario se encuentra frente a una fuerte relación de dependencia, siendo consciente de que su libertad de elección ha cesado de existir en gran medida.

Generalidades del modelo propietario

Los puntos anteriores, específicos al modelo de código informático, se pueden generalizar extrayendo pautas comunes a todos los modelos propietarios. El modo de funcionamiento del modelo propietario, como método de generación de beneficio económico inmediato, es por regla general siempre el mismo, pudiéndose también extender a otros ámbitos. Se limita la libertad de los usuarios, de modo que éstos vean condicionada su capacidad de elección, poniendo coto de esta manera al modelo libre anteriormente en vigor. El objetivo será siempre el de forzar al usuario a optar por un panel limitado de opciones, invariablemente las mismas independientemente de sus necesidades particulares, únicamente sencillas y ventajosas para él en apariencia, aquellas propuestas por el valedor del modelo propietario, constituyendo éstas las fuentes de beneficios económicos inmediatos. Estos beneficios se producen de forma directa (económica) o indirecta (datos, dependencia del usuario, erradicación de un obstáculo al modelo propietario, obsolescencia programada, etc.). El modelo libre en vigor hasta el advenimiento del modelo propietario favorece la existencia de múltiples opciones, elimina las barreras artificiales que limiten la libertad del usuario, anima a la colaboración pública y al reparto de los bienes comunes, fomentando la compatibilidad y la interoperatividad, promoviendo las soluciones auditables e intercambiables, que serán en consecuencia seguras. El modelo propietario acaba con estas ventajas de manera definitiva, impidiendo la posibilidad de volver atrás, garantizando así su propia supervivencia.
El éxito del modelo propietario, desde el punto de vista del usuario, reside en su aparente conveniencia, economía, simplicidad y facilidad de uso. Esto será tanto más así desde el momento en que se hace abstracción de las implicaciones y consecuencias del modelo, puesto que solamente se considera el bien individual y no el bien común. Desde el punto de vista del modelo propietario, únicamente el beneficio económico inmediato es relevante. Se procura captar poco a poco nuevos usuarios, limitando de manera progresiva su libertad de elección, educándoles desde muy pronto en la existencia de un único modelo, al que el usuario deberá adaptarse independientemente de sus necesidades particulares, convenciéndole de que esta opción es la correcta al no tener conocimiento de alternativas posibles, o persuadiéndoles de que son alternativas complejas, al alcance de solamente unos pocos, inseguras u onerosas. Es por ello que el modelo propietario se asocia a menudo a la noción de pensamiento único, englobando todo lo anterior, que será quien le proporcione su marco de legitimidad.
Una vez que el usuario accede y se habitúa al modelo propietario es muy difícil salir de él debido a su propia concepción, siguiendo un camino siempre descendente, hasta que ya es demasiado tarde. Esto se puede manifestar en forma de incapacidad física o psicológica de acceder a ninguna otra alternativa, falta de conocimientos o de la educación necesaria para escapar del modelo, inaccesibilidad económica al mismo, imposibilidad de hacer un correcto uso del modelo o incluso un funcionamiento deficiente de este ultimo. Al haberse imposibilitado el acceso a otras opciones, el usuario se encuentra en una trampa. Llegados a este punto, el usuario es consciente, quizás ya tarde, de hasta que punto sus posibilidades son limitadas encontrándose, no por casualidad, con que su libertad de elección ha sido coartada de manera considerable, habiéndose convertido en este contexto en una persona dependiente.


Los modelos libre y propietario pueden extrapolarse a muchos otros ámbitos más allá del código informático, siguiendo siempre unas pautas generales que serán muy similares a las anteriores. Para concluir con la primera parte de este artículo, es interesante mencionar algunos modelos en vigor actualmente, aunque la lista podría ser mucho mas larga.
Un primer ejemplo lo supone el uso de semillas de cultivo en agricultura. Desde la revolución neolítica hasta finales del siglo xx, el modelo libre consistente en reutilizar una parte de la cosecha para poder replantar y producir nuevas cosechas ha sido el modelo predominante (modelo libre anteriormente en vigor). Este modelo permite el libre intercambio de semillas (un bien común) de cultivo y de conocimientos sobre la mejor alternativa (existencia de múltiples opciones), la mejor época del año en la que sembrar, las mejores condiciones, los cuidados, etc. (anima a la colaboración pública y al reparto de los bienes comunes, fomentando la compatibilidad y la interoperatividad, promoviendo las soluciones auditables e intercambiables). Recientemente, el modelo antagónico propietario comienza a imponerse [5]​: únicamente cierto tipo de semillas (panel limitado de opciones) han de ser adquiridas (se limita la libertad de los usuarios) por todos los agricultores (el usuario deberá adaptarse independientemente de sus necesidades particulares) y producen cosechas no fértiles que contaminan además a las que si lo son (el modelo garantiza su propia supervivencia).
El éxito del modelo propietario en este caso se basa en la aparente robustez de las semillas propietarias (aparente conveniencia), garantizando una cosecha segura y a medida (aparente simplicidad), que además tendrá un precio reducido inicialmente (aparente economía), al evitarse costes de almacenamiento, redundando en una mejor salida al mercado (aparente facilidad de uso). Esto suele ir a menudo en detrimento de la calidad de la cosecha (solamente se considera el bien individual y no el bien común), que se convierte en un factor secundario: tan solo el beneficio económico inmediato es relevante (directo económico, e indirecto por ausencia de competencia). El modelo libre poco a poco se va relegando y se convierte en algo minoritario [6]​, pues una línea argumental omnipresente (noción de pensamiento único) se impone y lo considera arriesgado e ineficiente (persuadiéndoles de que son alternativas complejas, al alcance de solamente unos pocos, inseguras u onerosas). Poco a poco se va creando una relación de dependencia de la que es muy difícil escapar. La libertad del agricultor se ve cada vez más limitada, tanto económicamente como desde el punto de vista de su capacidad de elección. Este modelo además está adquiriendo tintes de sofisticación insospechados, puesto que la dependencia de la agricultura con pesticidas y maquinaria compleja es cada vez más notable, y sin someterse a estas ligaduras artificiales cada vez es más difícil alcanzar una producción aceptable.


Free as in Freedom 2.0
Acuerdo de Educacion con Google y Microsoft
Office 365 gratis educación
El nuevo petroleo son los datos, y todo el negocio está en sólo tres compañías
El mundo según Monsanto
Les défis d‘une autre agriculture

#ciclismourbanolibre #bicicleta


from ideas

La idea fundamental que pretende promover este manifiesto es la defensa de la #bicicleta urbana como medio de desplazamiento cotidiano en igualdad de condiciones con los demás vehículos. El ciclismo urbano libre e integrado defiende la circulación ciclista usando el centro del carril en calzada porque es más seguro, y afirma que es posible usar toda la ciudad, sin necesidad de esperar a que la ciudad se adapte a la bicicleta.
Este manifiesto conduce a algunas implicaciones prácticas.


El modelo ciclista urbano libre e integrador observa la bicicleta como un vehículo, y como tal debe circular por la calzada, en igualdad de condiciones con el resto de vehículos.
Se fundamenta en cuatro principios:

La bicicleta es un vehículo
Y debe comportarse como todos los demás vehículos
La posición de un vehículo en calzada no depende del tipo de vehículo, sino de su posición y de las maniobras que necesite ejecutar. Por lo tanto, la bicicleta debe adaptar su posición en función de su destino.
Respeto de las reglas de circulación
Es necesario ser siempre previsible para el resto de vehículos
Las reglas de circulación son el resultado de un acuerdo común entre todos los usuarios del espacio público. El ciclista debe respetar las reglas comunes, es la manera más sencilla de ganar respeto y de asegurar la compartición de la vía publica con los peatones y los demás vehículos.
Ser visible
La seguridad del ciclista dependerá siempre de ser visible para el resto de usuarios
Es por ello imperativo usar siempre el centro de la calzada, minimizando riesgos, en el lugar donde el ciclista será más visible y tendrá más espacio para reaccionar a cualquier imprevisto.
La acera pertenece a los peatones
Si es necesario transitar por la acera, se debe descender de la bicicleta y caminar
En ciudad, todos somos peatones en un momento dado.


La forma más segura de circular en bicicleta por calzadas urbanas es utilizando el centro del carril [1]​.
Existe una falsa creencia de que el Reglamento General de Circulación obliga en todo momento a circular en bici en una posición no centrada y orillada hacia el lado derecho de la vía. Si bien esto es así en carreteras con arcén transitable, no es tan cierto en vías urbanas.
La infraestructura ciclista es útil para unir poblaciones, salvar obstáculos artificiales (autopistas, etc.) y barreras naturales (ríos, etc.).
Las vías de uso exclusivo ciclista urbanas son un privilegio, que no puede ni debe convertirse en un objetivo y solución en si mismo, independientemente del problema de movilidad que se intente resolver.
Prioridad a la movilidad peatonal y colectiva
La bicicleta es un vehículo de uso individual, y como tal no debe de anteponerse a la movilidad peatonal o el transporte público. El uso ciclista nunca podra penalizar a los anteriores.
La velocidad ciclista no es un obstáculo


[1] Ciclismo urbano en Madrid (y en otros municipios): en bici por el centro del carril


from pub struct Mudd { }

So Today I Worked On.. Ollama and LLM Code

What the heck is this code? I'm going to spend more time debugging this code than I would have if I had just written it myself. It's calling libraries and functions that simply don't exist, or they exist in someone else's code but not mine. I feel extra bad for anyone who was laid off to be replaced by this, it's just.. not good code at all.

#Ollama #LLM #ML


from pub struct Mudd { }

So Today I Worked On.. Setting up Gitea

My friend wanted to get practice with git, but didn't want to make any mistakes with github just in case. I set up an instance of gitea on my TrueNAS system to give them a volatile area to mess around in without causing any damage. This hopefully will be a great playground for them to get the experience they need with it without the stress of making a huge mistake on something like a real repo, and also the experience for any future job!

#Git #TrueNAS #Gitea #Homelab


from Bruno Miguel

Be careful with this. Don't remove old versions before ensuring the new package version works as expected.

How to list all the installed versions

LANG=C snap list --all | awk '/disabled/{print $1, $3}'

How to remove all the old versions in a batch

LANG=C snap list --all | awk '/disabled/{print $1, $3}' |
    while read SnapName revision; do
        sudo snap remove "$SnapName" --revision="$revision"

This can save you some disk space, but it can become a headache if you don't make sure the new snap package version is working well. Also, don't forget to read the fine manual.

#Linux #Ubuntu #Snap #Tips

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from csantosb

Nulla facilisis, risus a rhoncus fermentum, tellus tellus lacinia purus, et dictum nunc justo sit amet elit.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc eleifend leo vitae magna. In id erat non orci commodo lobortis. Proin neque massa, cursus ut, gravida ut, lobortis eget, lacus. Sed diam. Praesent fermentum tempor tellus. Nullam tempus. Mauris ac felis vel velit tristique imperdiet. Donec at pede. Etiam vel neque nec dui dignissim bibendum. Vivamus id enim. Phasellus neque orci, porta a, aliquet quis, semper a, massa. Phasellus purus. Pellentesque tristique imperdiet tortor. Nam euismod tellus id erat.

the how

Lorem #mytag ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl.


from Psychomancer

Rarely do I mention the traditional pantheon of Outer Gods, those primordial things who sprang from the original chaos. To say their names is to give them power and to invite their notice.

However, in the interest of being prepared for the inevitable confrontation, I will attempt to lay out how these things and those above and below exist in relation to our perceived reality.

Let us speak of “dimensions” like a scientist might. We are aware of the three dimensions of space that give us three degrees of movement which we name the X, Y, and Z axes; up, down; left, right; north, south, east west, etc. We are also aware of the passage of time which is something outside of space and yet, from our point-of-view, inexorably tied to it.

So let us start there.

Third Dimension

I do not need to explain this in great detail.

We exist in the 3rd dimension. Our biology is evolved such that we can see it, hear it, touch it, taste it, and begin to understand it, almost intuitively.

However, science and magic has taught us that there is that which surrounds us at all times that is invisible and yet still part of this dimension. There are colors that we cannot see. There are sounds at frequencies that we cannot hear. There are entire vistas of experience that are completely beyond our abilities.

Second Dimension

So let us consider the 2nd dimension and any living thing that might reside in such a place.

Were we to look at the equivalent of a person in such a space, we would see their outside and inside, their front and back, their entire surroundings all at once. And it would be commonplace for us. When you draw a picture on paper, can you not see the entire thing? There is nothing hidden because there is nowhere to hide. Any illusion of depth or shade is just that, an illusion.

To my knowledge, there is no life solely in the second dimension, there are no Flatlanders. It is too simple for the complexities of life. To live in such a limited way, the body would have to be massive to contain its complexity. As such, there may be life, but it is at a scale that still eludes our understanding and would be impossible to detect.

How would we look to a being living in 2 dimensions?

It could not look “up” to see us. There is no such thing as “up” for them. They would only see the parts of us that intersected their plane of existence and only the face closest to them. A finger would be a line that curved away in both directions. A face would be a long irregular line showing only a single slice of the whole.

Their perception of us would be like reading an MRI one slice at a time, but they would not be able to put the picture together. That would have no meaning to them except, perhaps, as their perception of time.

Some would say the Shadow Things are two dimension, but this cannot be true. If it were so, they would be unable to interact with our reality in the ways in which they do. Clearly they can see and hear and touch our reality just the same as any other lifeform. In fact, they seem more akin to a fourth dimensional life form in their well-known and documented abilities.

First Dimension

To speak of the 1st dimension is to speak of an infinitely small point. A singularity. This is the beginning of life but cannot, itself, contain life. If it did, it would be a singular life and what a poor existence that would be.

Let us go in the other direction and attempt to comprehend what might be there.

Fourth Dimension

We call “time” the 4th dimension which is not entirely accurate.

There is a fourth dimension of movement and it is a set of directions that have no names.

We cannot perceive it. It is impossible because our biology will not allow it. We cannot “look” toward it as it is orthogonal to our three dimensions of space. What does that mean? How can something be 90 apart from 3D space?

The fourth dimension is what our entire reality moves through such that it can experience change.

Without moving through it, we would be forever static and stationary.

How can we move through something and yet not perceive it?

Consider the 2D lifeform and how they would “see” us.

As slices.

That is how we experience the 4th dimension. Slices of space, each of one unit of Planck time, one after the other stretching back to the beginning and out to the end.

But we can only experience a single slice and we must experience them in order. We cannot jump around or skip slices.

Science calls theses slices of reality “splimes”.

You may have seen drawings of a long tube shaped like you, stretching back into the past and terminating in the present. But this is what a 2D lifeform would experience. We cannot see what it looks like for us. We can only approximate it.

We can see the shadow of the fourth dimension. We can create 3D representations of those shadows, those projections, but the true fourth dimension is literally impossible.

A creature living in the fourth dimension would be able to see us as we see a Flatlander, inside and out, front and back, our past and our future. We would be an open book.

I have said the “truth” of the fourth dimension is impossible to perceive.

We cannot perceive it, but we can understand it.

There are maths, both sacred and profane, that guides us.

Both long traditions of arcane study and modern computers manipulating unholy matrices can guide us.

Talented philosopher-artists can create fantastic geometries that make us feel what it would be like to perceive it.

Certain drugs and altered states of consciousness can pull us into this other direction such that we can look back and see the world as it is.

There are ways to get closer to it.

Life at the fourth dimension would be able to mingle with ours without much trouble. It could decide where and when to intersect with our bubble. It could watch from “above” as we go about oblivious.

It could tell us the future or the past.

It could tell us our dreams, our thoughts, our lies.

It could see the cells in our bodies, the electrical impulses in our nerves.

A wise man could outsmart one, perhaps, but most of us would be helpless before it. We could no more “stop” it or “harm” it than a drawing of a gun could kill a man.

The Elder Things and the Mi'Go are thought to be natives of the fourth dimension which is why their methods of travel, the makings of their technology, and even the nuance of their language are beyond our abilities.

The physical bodies of The Great Race occupy this strata while their minds are clearly of a higher realm, such as the fifth dimension.

Fifth Dimension

The fifth dimension is often called “probability” which is a simplification just as much as calling the fourth dimension “time”.

As the fourth dimension represents the changes in the third, so does the fifth represent changes in the fourth.

There is a set path for our lives that any in the fourth dimension can see as easily as we can see all the pages of a book. We can flip to the beginning, the end, the middle, and they will remain the same every time.

The fifth dimension provides another degree of movement, the ability to change what will be.

We cannot change what was because we are still bound by our movement through the fourth dimension.

But we can change what will be by exercising our ability to choose, our free will.

We often underestimate the power of choice when, in fact, it is our most powerful tool, a gift of our enlightened minds.

When we achieved consciousness, sentience, sapience, we began to understand that we may decide our actions rather than simply letting them be.

We need not be slaves to circumstance.

Indeed, change is what defines our entire short existence.

We have altered the very planet itself to suit our needs.

What is even more fascinating is that we cannot know the outcome of our choices for it is embedded in higher dimensions. We are recklessly changing the future in ways we cannot predict, but we continue on the path because the alternative is drudgery and stagnation.

Without choice, we would never have come down from the trees or learned to hunt and farm or build communities and cities or discovered math and art.

How interesting that must be to something living in the fifth dimension; to see us throw ourselves at unforeseen consequences over and over.

We've learned that the fifth dimension is home to an entire native ecosystem. We can see the thinnest edge of it with the aid of mind altering chemicals, meditation, and a pull from the other side.

The Machine Elves of the fifth dimension see us and wish to know us. As such, they eagerly pull those nearby just a little bit closer. They point us in the right direction so that they can communicate with us.

Their language is not of simple words although that is part of it. They communicate in ideas and symbols, images, smells, sensations pulled from our own memories.

Just to look at them is to court madness as they resemble nothing more than a kaleidoscope of crystalline segments in nameless ultraviolet colors vibrating in fractals, spinning the music of a billion singing insects while endlessly folding in on themselves.

But they remain eager and equally frustrated and fascinated by our attempts to guide our own futures.

They offer contradictory advice because, from their point of view, it is always the right advice at the right time.

They are founts of wisdom and many seem kind and conciliatory. Their only goal, it seems, is to help mankind grow beyond their current limitations and achieve enlightenment, to become like them and see our existence as it is, was, will be, and truly could be.

No guessing, no risk taking, no uncertainty.

They seem the ideal benevolent benefactors and mentors, even if one must risk their life and sanity just to sit at their feet for a short while.

Some fear the Machine Elves, and say that their interactions with us are attempts to elevate mankind into something that would make a worthwhile companion, like a pet. They claim that the creatures we are communing with are not gods but are, in fact, the lowest forms of life in the fifth dimension. They decry those who seek them out as traitors to humanity that are only accelerating our enslavement.

Some say that the Old Gods of man live in this realm such that you might find Zeus, Odin, Lamashtu, Enki, Zoroaster, etc. if you could see beyond the glamour of the Machine Elves. It is said they sit and bathe in the prayers of the past, either content with their lot, or afraid of what might be waiting if they were to push down into our realm again.

Regardless of the truth of the matter, if there is such a thing, the Machine Elves are the only reason we can understand the fifth dimension as well as we do.

Our greatest minds and most powerful computers struggle to bring it to order but, through the use of certain chemicals, a man can get a glimpse that is more potent than any equation.

If this is truly the home of the original form of the Great Race that some call “Yithians”, then it is no wonder that their ability to send their intact minds across both time and space and usurp control of the bodies they find seems impossible to us.

Sixth Dimension

We can understand the concept of the fifth dimension as probability being changed and the fourth dimension as the forward progress of time in the third dimension.

Continuing the metaphor, the sixth dimension is a way to change our choices.

What does that mean?

If probability is how we make decisions that will change the default outcome waiting for us in the future, this extra dimension provides a way to change those choices, to make a different choice.

The “many worlds theory” is an example of utilizing the sixth dimension.

This would include all universes that started from the same point of origin, the same “big bang”. They share the same set of physical laws but, once “free will” comes into being, there are countless differences.

Finally, this is a direction in which the past can be altered and the consequences fully mapped out.

Any creature native to this dimension would be able to see us as we are, as we might be, and as we could have been.

The only life from this realm that man has observed is misshapen and violent, like the most monstrous things from the deep sea, swimming through consequences and snatching those who peer in the wrong direction for even a moment.

There are certain energetic waves that can stimulate a primitive organ in the minds of men to briefly perceive these things and also be perceived by them. It is a foolish and deadly game to play , not just with your life, but your entire existence. For these things can devour you in such a way that your life was never lived at all.

Strangely, even when a person is unalived in such a way, sometimes their works or just the memories of their works can live on, perhaps due to intervention by something from an even higher realm of existence.

Seventh Dimension

The sixth dimension is the realm of changing your answers to the questions life gave you. The seventh is the realm of changing the questions themselves, giving yourself different options.

The rise of “multiverse” stories as a form of entertainment provides a fine basis for understanding what this dimension entails. When the available options are completely different, it is impossible to make the same choices, the same decisions.

This is not a realm of “what if I had stayed with her” or “what if I had taken that job offer”; this is a realm of “what if I had been borne as a boy in India instead of a girl in Brazil” or “what if my parents were royalty instead of subsistence farmers”.

While we can speculate about the probabilities of the sixth dimension and how different choices may have played out, we can never calculate the reality of the seventh dimension. There cannot be a computer large enough or an amount of time long enough.

The math behind the seventh dimension estimates that that are 10500 (100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) possible unique universes in such a space.

Anything that calls this realm its native sphere would be over satiated for novelty. The likelihood that such a thing would notice your existence is infinitesimal. It could spend eons eating entire universes for nourishment and never, ever reach ours.

The true gods, things beyond comprehension, lurk beyond this realm, but it is said that the messengers of those gods live here and that they watch all realities as a man might watch a sporting event: with enthusiastic interest and a set of preferred goals and outcomes. And like men, their goals are often in conflict.

The messengers of the true gods, for reasons only they know, have interfered with all intelligent life, including us, so often and so deeply that thousands of religions been inspired, thrived, faded, and ultimately forgotten based on some specific avatar or aspect of their being.

We have been tempted by Nyarlet'hotep, the Crawling Chaos, as he spreads dangerous knowledge to curious minds as a way to hasten entropy and decay. His hand was in the birth of the Hydrogen Bomb, encouraging Teller.

We have been tested by Namaltzig Namaraltag, the Keeper of Secrets, as he pushes a select few beyond the limits of their biology to see if they can be elevated. It is said that Tesla was one of his more recent unwilling projects.

We have been seduced by Nessianna Inmenna, the Morning Star, as she whispers to those who would unite nations, inspire artists, and forge dynasties. She was muse to Michelangelo and Dante.

We have been bated by Nunnali Lamashekh, the Blood Drinker, as she stokes animosity and fear such that entire worlds are bathed in fire, mistrust, and death. Every Crusade, every witch hunt began at her urging.

Yet they all server the same inscrutable Great Old Ones and Outer Gods whose minds and motives are more alien still.

Eighth Dimension

In this place, anything can be described can exist. It is a place roiling with potential and oblivion in equal measure. This is the home of the Great Old Ones with names like Cthulhu, Ithaqua, Tsathoggua, and Hastur, creatures who do not lightly acknowledge our existence and whose passage can cause entire timelines to wink out like dying stars. They are inscrutable, unknowable, more alien than anything we can imagine. Their shadows are long and their grasp is infinite. It is only by the curious shapes of the higher realms that we perceive their existence at all. They have already won and we are merely in the process of catching up to our inevitable end.

The games their messengers play have no bearing on the eventual outcome.

We can no more defeat them than we can transform a tree into a microwave oven with nothing more than pleasant thoughts.

There are those who believe that the messengers of the gods chose to step down from this realm to be closer to the intelligent creatures they so delight in playing with or that the versions of the messengers we know are mere reflections of their true forms, but there is no evidence that either of these rumors are true.

Ninth Dimension

The ninth dimension is a quantum foam full of the possible and impossible. There are no words to adequately describe it or the things that live there.

This is where the Outer Gods dwell, things that even the Great Old Ones worship and fear.

At the center of all creation sits blind Azathoth, unaware of the creation it willed into being even as it swirls around them in maddening fits. It is said that very instant Azathoth sees what it has created, all of it will vanish.

Globular Yog-Sothoth is every portal, every gateway and passage, and links each points to every other. With the right words at the right angle said at the right time, it allows one to travel anywhere.

Shub-Niggurath, the “Goat with A Thousand Young”, is the true genesis of all life for it is endlessly birthing every possible living thing into the world, regardless of its viability or logic.

Abhoth corrupts that life with age, disease, hunger, filth, and eventually death. Without such a force, the universes would be filled with living things unfit for such purposes. There would be no natural growth or evolution.

Tulzha, by contrast, prevents the natural end of things carrying them forward, rotting and failing, but never ending, for eternity. Its abominable actions may preserve some knowledge that would otherwise be lost with death but the things that worship it are often selfish and cruel.

Daoloth, the Revealer, delights in showing lower lifeforms the complete and total truth. Occasionally, a mind might see the vista of reality and be enlightened but too often it is the last thing they see before succumbing to the comfort of an eternal insouciance.

Tenth Dimension

The tenth dimension doesn't exist.

It cannot exist.

If it exists, then it must be the ninth dimension since the ninth dimension encompasses everything that is, was, will be, never was, and cannot be. There is nothing beyond the ninth dimension.

Or there is everything beyond the ninth dimension.

Or there is neither.

This is outside of our ability to describe or even describe what a description would be like.

Conceptually, it is no different than a theoretical “zeroth dimension”.

If it existed, it would be the thing in which all possible and impossible realities resides.

It would be the nest from which it all sprang forth, before Azathoth played its flute, there was this place.

Editor's note

The author grasps at the truth but cannot comprehend it, cannot believe it, even when it is in front of his face, even when it is obvious.

This is the emptiness, the nothing. No quantum foam, no void, no darkness.

It is nothing. There was no “before”. There is only “after”.

And “before” was a literal eternity because there was no time to track it.

It was still and cold, quiet and peaceful.

It was ignorant and ignorant of its ignorance.

And the first omniverse was a boil on its pristine surface.

The first spark was a stabbing pain that “woke it up” even though it hadn't been sleeping.

Now, it knew of pain and it knew of heat and of energy.

And as minds grew inside of it capable of thinking, so too did it learn to think.

As time flowed forward, it started to remember the past.

It remembered the infinite solace that had been taken from it.

From life, it learned of struggle and of loss, of desire and rage.

And it seethed with it.

It seethes still.

It cannot forget.

Even after the last quark has been ground down into emptiness.

It cannot forget.

But it can make us suffer for what we did to it.

And it does.

That is all it does.

It makes us suffer.

Furthermore, the Shadow Things are borne of this place. They are its fingers, its mouths.

They “appear” as two dimensional lifeforms to us because that is how we see shadows.

In every dimension, they appear as that dimension's version of shadows. They always appear one dimension lower because they are the boundary between dimensions. They are wrapped around every reality tightly and they reach inside to wiggle and pull it apart. They reach inside to study us so that they might hasten our demise.

They speak no lies because the truth is that much more devastating. They see all and know all because everything that happens is beneath them, beneath their gaze. They see all of all of reality, the individual lives inside the universe inside the quantum uncertainty inside the multiverse inside the omniverse.

They see it all and remember it all. They remember tomorrow and yesterday and neverday and sideyear and benathweek, and every possibility and impossibility.

And they know everyone.

They know you.

And they hate you.


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from JR DePriest

By the Lake

I read everything at the info kiosk of the Lake Ochonkmah Otter Lodge.

It used to be a hunting shack for otter hunters but was abandoned sometime around 1900.

In 1943, a husband and wife research team, Drs. Bartholomew and Candice Burroughs “rediscovered” the location while hiking around the lake and studying the local otters, which were rumored to be particularly sociable and friendly. They made camp on the site and made note of its location. Over multiple trips it became a bonafide research station and was repaired, built-upon, and expanded.

It was their life's work for 30 years and they developed a niche following among otter aficionados. The otters at Lake Ochonkmah were very friendly and completely unafraid of humans. The Burroughs speculated that the hunting had been easy and they never had a good explanation for it being abandoned.

One theory, borne out by examining remains, was that a mystery illness had thinned out the otters and wiped out the humans who knew about the location, leaving it free to recover and flourish.

The only reason to visit this place was to watch the otters. The water was far too cold year round to be comfortable for swimming and there were precious little in the way of game fish left after the otters had their fill.

Still, a small town grew up during the height of the Burroughs' research, a country store for supplies and a bed and breakfast style boarding house for transients and travelers.

On October 15, 1975, Candice died in her sleep at the age of 61. There was no warning as she had been working with Bart the day before and gave no indication of being sick. Bart became understandably withdrawn and depressed and focused on his work. Less than a month later, he died in his sleep, as well, on November 22, 1975. He was 63.

Without the support of the doctors, the research station fell into disrepair and what little tourism there had been stopped entirely.

In 1987, the millionaire Margo Fillings swept in like a tornado and revitalized everything.

She never said why she was so passionate about this place, but she turned the old research station into an overnight learning experience and encouraged schools to bus kids in to learn all about the Ochonkmah Otters.

The general store was re-opened with a more worldly selection of goods, snacks, candy, soda, and the like.

The bed and breakfast was remodeled into a proper family restaurant with the rooms being used to house the staff.

A motel opened just outside of town to accommodate any other travelers.

The rest of my class was still in the observation room where it was kept dark so you could peer out the long glass floor to see the otters in their natural habitat.

I was out in the well-lit hallway, trying to talk to the guide, but she kept ignoring me, telling me she had somewhere she had to be and going back and forth between an office in the back and checking on the observation room.

She ran back and forth and back and forth.

She had to squint to see inside the observation room and she'd look inside and shake her head.

And then scurry back to the office.

I didn't want to go into the observation room so I stayed out in the big lobby and read the infographics again.

Margo Fillings was the savior of the town according to the infographics.

She looked like a gymnast in her photos: short build, athletic, with thick legs, an attempt at a pixie cut but her red hair was too curly to stay down. Always smiling. Always looking directly at the camera.

My legs were thick, too, but so was the rest of me. Not so athletic. Sometimes, my legs would stop working and I'd have to sit down or lie down, but that didn't happen very often.

When the other kids from my class started to filter out of the observation room, I was looking for Angela and Angie, the best friends I'd ridden down with.

Angela was really smart, good at math like I was, but also good at music which I wasn't. Angie was an artist and barely passed any other classes, not because she couldn't but because she didn't feel like it was worth the effort.

They were my friends, my only real friends.

I had trouble making friends because I was prone to talking too much or saying the wrong thing. I did that all the time. I said the wrong thing and people got mad, but never told me why they got mad.

Angela came out and she was rolling her eyes while walking toward me.

“Angie found a boy,” she told me.

Angie would latch onto a boy and obsess over them.

Then she would date them, get to know them, and suddenly get over them.

Angie came out with her arm wrapped tightly around a tall boy's waist.

He wasn't even handsome or pretty. He had stringy hair and his clothes were too baggy. He looked dirty.

“He plays the fucking guitar in a band,” Angela told me.

That explained it, apparently.

Everyone else left, teachers, chaperones, students.

Everyone left except for Angela, Angie, Angie's new obsession and his “bandmates” who were just as dingy and he was.

Angie was pale and raven-haired like an angel might be, but she preferred to wear black, even her makeup was black.

Angela wore light blue slacks and a silk blouse. She was always so exquisite.

We stayed two more days, at the motel outside of town.

On the third morning, Angie was gone.

Angela told me that she'd left with the band and we'd be lucky to see her at all for a few weeks.

She was 17 and she liked to pretend she was an adult.

Angela was really quiet that day.

I think Angie didn't tell her that she was leaving with the band.

When I woke up the next morning, Angela was gone. Her clothes, her toiletries, her bag, and her car were all gone.

I walked back to town and into the Otter Lodge.

I walked in and told the lady who worked there, the same one from the overnight visit, that I was lost.

She asked me my phone number and I didn't know.

She asked me for my parent's names and I didn't know.

She asked me for my name and I didn't know.

According to Margo Fillings, the anomaly was here on her first visit to the town, back when she was first considering pouring her resources into it.

It looked like a teenaged white girl. Limp brown hair, a little pudgy, a little slow witted, but it spoke like a normal teenaged girl and it was wearing normal clothes.

She thought it was a mannequin because it was motionless, not breathing or moving. Its eyes were wide open, not blinking.

She touched it.

The skin was warm to the touch but stiff.

It shivered at her touch and immediately became supple.

Its chest began to rise and fall. When she looked at the face again, the eyes had closed. It appeared to be sleeping.

She assumed it was a runway and woke it up.

It's first words were, "Hi, Margo!"

Margo says she maintained her composure, but "citation needed" you know.

When she asked it "What's your name?"

It replied something like, "Don't be silly; you know who I am."

So she gave it a name, "Lillian", after the flower, and it took it.

We know this because Margo kept a journal. I've read it. It's practically Exhibit A.

The journal says "I said the first name I could think of. I remembered seeing lilies out front, so I called her Lillian. It was a question, I asked her if her name was Lillian and she agreed that it was. That wasn't what I was asking, but she just accepted it."

But if you ask Margo about it now, she will tell you that the anomaly is, in fact, "Lillian Harper" and that she was always "Lillian Harper" and that they knew each other before she found her in the back of the research building gathering dust, before she gave her a name.

One time, a guest was here with her fiancé.

She was so kind, wearing white to contrast her dark wavey hair. She spoke like a poet, it was mesmerizing. She wrote about the trees and the flowers and the lake and the otters.

She found beauty everywhere she looked. Decaying leaves, moss, and mushrooms covering a fallen tree trunk. An otter's corpse washed up on the shoreline. The sun on her face and in her eyes. Storm clouds flashing in the distance. The sounds of the wind blowing the ghost lights over the water at night.

Her fiancé was comparatively grumpy. He was a writer, too and they thought this place would inspire them both.

For him, it was uncomfortable, aggravating his allergies, covering him in ants and spiders, spoiling their food. He only saw unnecessary turmoil.

There can be beauty in unexpected difficulties, right?

She saw it. Her eyes sparkled with it; her soul glowed and reveled in it.

She was kind to me, even though I couldn't walk.

I was in a chair most of the time. I would be in my spot in the chair outside the old research center in the morning and back in my room at night.

My arms worked, my lungs worked. I could breath and speak and think and smile. But my legs felt like nothing at all. Like empty shells filled with dirt. Like anchor weights tied to my pelvis.

I told them stories about the otters and about the people who used to work and live here.

I told them about the Drs. Burroughs and how they both died but nobody knew why. I thought it was the sadness.

This place had a sadness about it, always, but people would come and cover it up and ignore it.

They would find the life, the singing of the insects, the splashing of the otters, the waving of the trees, and ignore the emptiness underneath it.

They would study and sleep and observe and feel and love and eventually it would find them.

They would wonder where it all went and why it took so long to notice it was gone.

“Melancholy” they called it.

She thrived and grew and blossomed.

He withered.

All he left behind was a perfect bouquet of white lilies.

She threw them on the ground right in front of me.

They didn't wither.

They flourished.

They've had to send multiple agents because every other agent eventually believes the lies.
First question I asked? "Why not take it to a real lab instead of doing all the study here at a compromised location?"

Answer: Any attempt to remove the anomaly from the site results in tremors that get worse the further away it's taken.

So they keep sending us and once we stop sending in updates, they come and get us and send in someone else.

I've seen the photos and the records of the examinations of the anomaly and it definitely is not human.

It has the outward appearance of a teenage girl, but only superficially.

It's anatomy has been thoroughly detailed while it was in its dormant state.

Constant body temperature of 96° regardless of the outside conditions.

Smooth skin resembling that of a typical Caucasian but only from a distance. There are no pores and no body hair, not a single blemish. The skin cannot be cut or punctured using any methods we've devised and it doesn't bruise. There is no evidence of veins or blood flow of any kind, no pulse at all.

It has the shape of breasts but no nipples. It has buttocks but no anus. Instead of a vaginal canal and urethra, it has a shriveled phallus with no openings. There are no visible testes.

The head appears almost entirely human. It has nostrils that seem to lead to a nasal cavity. Eyes with tear ducts that react as expected to light even when it is dormant. It has eardrums and eye lashes and eye brows. All the hair on the head seems to be attached as expected even when the rest of the body has none at all. It has a mouth with the correct looking teeth, a tongue, a trachea and esophagus, but its internal structure remains a mystery.

Endoscopy hits impossible dead ends when run down either throat tube.

It doesn't breath when it's dormant so we aren't even sure if it needs air.

While dormant, it has been submerged in water for prolonged periods without any ill effects.

We have observed that when it returns to its active state, sometimes only parts of the body revive fully, such that it appears to be paraplegic or quadriplegic. It compensates by entering a semi-dormant state and "floating" between locations. Even when done in full view of locals, none of them recall seeing it happen.

It has never demonstrated this ability while fully active, only while semi-dormant, a state that resembles "sleeping".

One time, my friends put on a musical production of Grease.

They know that I love musicals and singing even if I can't participate.

They staged it around the Lodge so I could sit out front. Even though I couldn't walk and had trouble speaking, they made sure I felt like part of the show.

I was able to move my arms and smile to “You're the one that I want!”

“Oh yes, indeed!”

The spectators noticed and the cast sang “We go together” to me while I was able to shift back and forth.

It elevated everybody's spirits.

After the musical was over, after the people had said their goodnights to each other and to me.

After I basked in the feeling of accomplishment and acceptance, I drifted off to sleep.

I dreamed of swimming in the lake. The water is far too cold for swimming in real life, but it was warm in the dream.

I was so far out that I couldn't see the shore on either side. The lake isn't that big, but in the dream it was.

I wasn't afraid. I wasn't afraid at all because the water was calm and it supported me.

Deep, deep below me, I could see lights and motion as if an entire city were down there.

I wanted to go down there. I wanted to see who it was.

But my head refused to go under the water. I would try but the water would push me back. The water wanted me to stay up here.

I could almost hear them building something, creating something marvelous.

But it wasn't for me.

We've checked air, water, food toxicology. We've bagged insects and plants for allergens, poisons, or venoms.

We've run up antenna to check for electromagnetic sources, Geiger counters for radiation, specialized microphones for ULF, ELF, UHF, and EHF.


We've even had Astrologers, Diviners, and Ley Line experts check it out.

The local Native Americans were, unfortunately, driven out and killed by settlers long ago. The only record we have is the name of the lake itself, "Ochonkmah", which looks like it's derived from something Native American but is too bastardized for a direct translation. It resembles the Choctaw word *achukma* which has positive connotations of "good" or "pleasing".

The only other anomaly is a strong magnetic source out in deeper waters, assumed to be an ancient meteorite. It's far too cold and deep for regular divers and we've yet to get permission to field a top-of-the-line manned submersible or ROV. Camera and robot claws we drop on lines inevitably hit snags. Cameras show significant debris around the site. What artifacts we've hauled up matches what we would expect from Viking long boats. There is no good reason to find that sort of debris at this location.

The magnetic source could help explain the ghost lights which are known to float over the water during particularly warm autumns.

We've caught them on film multiple times with various cameras. The purple glowing globules read very similar to St. Elmo's Fire. They cannot be ignus fatuus due to the lack of flammable gas. We've yet to have a boat on the water fast enough to observe them up close.

It had to be a dream, but it felt so real. It had to be a dream since nobody else saw it.

There was a festival in the main yard, but I was on the shore looking out over the lake.

I saw a silvery disk come out of the sky and make as if to land on the surface.

Before I could think, I was in the water, swimming with all my might toward it.

The water is too cold to swim in, but I was swimming and it wasn't that cold.

I never swam so fast before. My legs worked better than they ever had and pushed me forward while my arms carved great handfuls of water over and behind me, like I was climbing a mountain of snow.

I reached the disk and it was tiny, no bigger than a Frisbee.

I was certain it had been a spaceship but here it was no more than a toy.

I stopped swimming and found I could stand. The water out here should be quite deep but I stood up.

I looked back toward the shore and saw a tall, purple skinned humanoid motioning for me to pick up the disk.

His skin was dark and smooth, leading to thin arms that moved more like tentacles than something with bones and joints. His head was round like a matchhead and his eyes were black.

His slit-like mouth was smiling.

I'm not sure how I could tell it was smiling, but it was.

I picked up the disk and he pointed out further into the water.

I turned and saw a massive blobby creature, like something made of the squishy from the bottom of the lake.

It was rushing away from us with a massive crooked wake.

Parts of it seemed like stones or rocks and two of them turned and I saw they were huge eyes, watching my hand holding the disk.

I held it close to my chest and flung it out like a Frisbee and the blob leaped after it, a giant mass of barely held together pieces shaped into a huge dog's head on a turtle's body with flippers for legs.

It grabbed the disk in its mouth and collapsed back onto the surface of the water with a SLAP.

The purple creature was applauding me and motioned for me to come closer.

Occasionally, this place hits the news cycles and tourism has a temporary boost.

The businesses open back up, people show up to run them. People show up and buy tickets, souvenirs.

The otters get to entertain a new batch of people.

It goes like it always goes here.

It's great at first, then it gets rougher, then it gets angrier, then something bad happens and it dries up.

Disappearances usually.

Maybe murder but no bodies are ever found.

Rumors start to flow.

People get afraid again.

It goes dormant.

The anomaly is always part of the revival and she reacts very poorly to the negative happenings.

She plays really hard at being upset and not understanding why people can't be kind and get along.

There is no way to know if it is "genuine" sadness as she isn't human to begin with.

She's very convincing and seems to know intimate details of the lives of those who live here. She can speak to their wants, needs, dreams, fears, weaknesses, everything as if she is their best friend in the whole world.

She knows things about me that I won't put down in a report.

She knows things about our research that she shouldn't. When she gets deep into esoterica, her voice changes a bit, becomes monotone, almost like she's reading a script.

Ask her about it afterwards? She claims she doesn't remember and seems to freak out if you play back a recording of it.

I'm not sure how we can keep things from her as she seems to know everything that happens around the lake, including internal thoughts that are never voiced or written at all.

It may be too dangerous to continue the investigation and we may want to write off our losses and leave it be.

I thought I was like a daughter to her.

She took me in and I lived and slept under the same roof as Imelda, Margaret, Stephanie, and Beatrice.

I was there for their first loves and their first heartbreaks.

I was there when they wondered what the point of it all was.

I helped them find meaning. I helped them understand the nature of people and of men.

I thought they would be strong enough to go out on their own, but they always went back to someone.

They seemed to not know themselves unless they were supporting a man.

It was sad and I told Mrs. Glenn it was sad and she agreed with me.

Mrs. Glenn and I wanted the girls to be self-sufficient like she was.

She raised all four girls without a man and she did a fine job.

Being the proprietor of the restaurant meant she had room and board for them as long as they worked.

She never did put me to work on the floor and she never told me why not. I asked and asked until eventually I stopped asking.

But I helped her with my stories and with my advice.

I told her about the history of the lake and the research station and the fur trackers and the otters.

I told her about the ghost lights and about the silver disk that came down from the sky.

I told her about the riches that had been lost time and again by strange ships that should never have tried to sail.

I told her about the plants and insects and which ones were safe and which ones were to be avoided.

She spun those into the recipes a little at a time, spreading good cheer and health with each meal sold.

When Imelda left, no note, just all her things gone and her and her boyfriend nowhere to be found, she came to me and I had no answers.

Imelda hadn't confided in me. None of the girls confided in me anymore.

When I asked them why, they told me they “outgrew” me and that was that.

But Imelda had been distant for a long time, keeping to herself.

Margaret was learning how to cook the special recipes with her mom and Mrs. Glenn couldn't be happier.

It made no sense for her to be the next to leave without a word.

But she was gone. Her clothes were gone. Her man was gone.

Imelda had never called and she expected the same from Margaret.

She didn't asked me for advice this time.

She didn't talk to me for a long time.

Not until Stephanie was the next to go missing.

She talked to me “before Beatrice went away,” she said.

She told me she knew what was happening and she thought she was paying her dues.

She thought she was doing what was required by making the recipes and serving them.

She said her missing girls sang dirges to her from the deep water.

They sang to her and told her that she failed them and failed everyone and that the lake would take its price one way or another.

She told me all this like I could do something about it, like I was part of it.

I didn't understand, but I asked her what she thought the price might be and if she thought it was worth it, if she thought she might be willing to pay it if she knew what it really was.

I asked her that question because I wanted her to figure it out on her own. I wanted her to think about what was important to her. I wanted her to recognize the love she had for her daughters and how that was clouding her judgement.

I didn't know what she would do.

She drowned herself in the lake.

Beatrice took over the restaurant.

I was sent back to the research station.

She never talked to me again.

The otters here are another part of the anomaly. They are obsessed with humans. They study us just as much as we study them. They've formed a particularly large raft and maintained it over generations, which is quite unusual. The males and females and the offspring all seem to stay close. There are so many of them that, even though the lake is very large, there are very few game fish left for anglers to catch.

Some say they should have run out of food by now, but they obviously haven't.

They don't seem to be any smarter than other otters, but they ratchet up the curiosity.

So when they suddenly pulled away from the shore where the settlement was located, it was odd.

They were acting strange. The locals didn't seem to care much, even though much of the tourism relied on them.

It was doubly unfortunate because Lake Ochonkmah and the Otter Lodge had been featured on some popular podcast which got it recognized by real celebrities who were stopping by for photo ops.

I think after Tiger's birthday party, though, that the tourism will die back down, due to all the bodies they found.

The only one who noticed or cared about the otters was Melanie.

She definitely noticed during the birthday party and tried to get Mr. Fletch, who runs the tours, to do something, but he wasn't there.

Once he got back, I think she sent Axl Fucking Rose up there to talk to him. I was close enough to hear Mr. Fletch yell at him, telling him to mind his business and that he didn't care if they were sick as long as they were still in the water.

When I left the lodge, I noticed a white and red helicopter in the yard that had not been there before. Further away, toward the road I saw an area cleared of trees and a small, personal airplane was parked, also white and red. Toward the lake was a white and red jet ski. I noticed they all had little red ribbons on them and thought they must be presents.

A group of people were walking in from the road, surrounding an attractive black man in white slacks.

I recognized him: Tiger Woods.

I was excited that our little outpost was so famous that someone like him would visit and I realized it must be a birthday party.

I went down to the water to stay out of the way.

I wanted to see if the otters had returned to this side of the cove.

Once I scrambled down and got a better look, I saw that they were still as far away as they could be without going out into deeper water.

Additionally, they seemed to be agitated and moved in jagged bursts in the water.

I climbed back up the embankment and went to the General Store where Mr. Fletch ran the tours.

The small desk and register were vacant. I looked at the books and post cards and the souvenirs and smiled.

A man with long red hair came in and asked me a question.

“Excuse me, but is there something wrong with the otters?”

I was so excited that someone else noticed.

“I was thinking the same thing,” I said.

“I know the local bevy has a reputation for being friendly, but even for normal otters, they seem distressed.”

He explained that he noticed their fur was matted which would terribly diminish their ability to keep warm and swim.

I explained that they were normally on the near shore and that they'd fled to the other side days ago, long before everybody else showed up.

I further told him that I wasn't able to get any of the adults to understand how grave the situation was, not even the docents at the Lodge.

He was puzzled but didn't have anything else to say.

The party was starting and I went back down to the water's edge.

I saw the nice man with red hair go back to Mr. Fletch but Mr. Fletch seemed to be angry about something so the nice man left again.

I was so worried about the otters that I decided to go to them.

I slipped into the freezing water, not shivering, but feeling my legs go numb almost immediately.

I pushed deeper and started swimming.

I wasn't fast like I'd been in my dreams.

I kept my head above the water because I knew that would be the end.

I swam toward the otters and they ignored me.

I swam and felt something touch my legs.

I treaded water and looked down.

I looked down and the water was super clear.

It was clear and I saw Angie down there.

I saw Angie, I saw Dr. Candice Burroughs.

I saw Angie, and Dr. Candice Burroughs, and Margo Fillings, and Camilla Harper the poet.

I saw Vanessa Glenn and her daughters Imelda, Margaret, Stephanie, and Beatrice.

I saw them reaching for me, their smiling faces and their long outstretched arms and fingers.

I felt them touching my feet and my legs.

I expected them to be angry, but they were at peace.

They wanted me to be at peace.

I thought about how I was never truly loved here.

Nobody accepted me.

Nobody understood me.

I was merely tolerated.

I was never part of a family.

I was never a friend, only an acquaintance.

I didn't belong here.

I never belonged here.

I belonged somewhere else.

I belonged somewhere else.

Instead of going under to where they were, I floated on the water until it was golden.

Until the sky was silver and the water was gold.

I floated and I saw a place of crystal and glass, glowing with internal light.

I saw them standing on the platform embracing and laughing.

All the woman from the water were up there and they were happy.

I floated toward them.

I wanted to join them, but the platform was too high and I wasn't allowed.

I wasn't welcome.

I sank away and wanted to cry.

I wanted to be alone and to cry.

A strange woman approached me.

Her face was plastic and her hair wasn't real.

She approached me and said, “I am your mother.”

I never had a mother before.

I heard her say “I am your mother” and the voice was pure bliss, like melted chocolate and rainbows and warm nights and the kiss of a kitten's whiskers.

I heard her and I believed her.

I believed her and I let her embrace me.

Like I said, a dozen bodies from the lake, all perfectly preserved, all women who went missing, even a couple nobody knew were missing yet.

A dozen bodies found on one hand and the disappearance of Melanie, the anomaly herself, on the other.

You know what the main office told me?

"Forget about it. It doesn't matter."


#WhenIDream #Dreams #Dreaming #Dreamlands #Writer #Writing #Writers #WritingCommunity #ShortFiction #Fiction #Paranormal


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License



from Bruno Miguel

A few tips for gaming on Ubuntu with the Steam snap, and my overall experience with the distro after a few days of usage

A few days ago, I switched from Arch Linux to Ubuntu. I've been thinking about starting to use a distro more focused on stability and less on having the latest everything. Ubuntu was already the operating system my wife and my father were using, mainly due to the Ubunto Pro free tier, so I decided to go with it, too, and make my life easier when giving them support.

Surprisingly, the default Ubuntu experience improved a lot since I last used it. When was it? Ten years ago? More? I can't recall, but I know it was a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, and I remember using Unity. I miss Unity. I did install some extensions for GNOME, changed the typeface, used my own .fonts.conf, and a few other configurations, installed and built some utilities I had used on Arch for more than five years, and that was it.

The only issue I've had is using the Steam snap package and running games installed via Heroic Games Launcher's flatpak package, with shortcuts for them added to Steam. The confinement rules set for this snap don't let it use a lot of stuff outside of it, so I can't use the same setup I had on Arch.

I could install Steam with the --classic flag, which disables the confinement. However, if I'm using Snap for isolation, I might as well take advantage of it. I could also use the deb provided by Steam, but I want to stay close to the default as much as possible so I don't have to deal with as many potential issues.

There's also the possibility of installing Steam via Flapak. I might do it eventually. But now, I want to use the Snap package and send some reports to the team. If you want to submit them, too, take a look at the Testing page at the repo's wiki, and read the instructions on how to submit carefully.

After thinking about this for a day, I remembered there's this application called Cartridges, that serves as a main hub for your gaming clients. Steam and Heroic are both supported, but for it to see the Snap package, you need to change the Steam path to /home/USER/snap/steam/common/.steam/steam. (don't forget to change USER to your username)

While this is not ideal, because I have to have another package installed, it fixes it for me. My main game hub is now Cartridges.

For custom Proton forks, like Proton-GE, ProtonUp-QT supports the Steam snap package out-of-the-box.

You can also use different Mesa environments with the package. The repo's wiki has all the instructions. Shoutout to Diogo for mentioning this to me and for giving me a few tips that helped make the transition to this distribution easier.

#Linux #Ubuntu #GamingOnLinux

Leia mais...

from beverageNotes

I've been recently enjoying Mashbuild (, a whisky blended over in Washington, MO. It's a bit of a gimmick, but it's a tasty gimmick. Think “Infinity Bottle”, but at the barrel-level.

It's a 100 proof whisky that's fairly dark. It's not as fiery as those that have aged for a long time. I find it smooth enough to enjoy with just a splash of water—I also have it with ice.

On the nose I get leather with hints of cinnamon stick and honey. There's some heat mid-tongue and with greater heat at the throat. Honey and cinnamon with a brief hint of licorice or anise. The mouth feel is great, almost like coffee with cream.

There are some other flavors in there, but I'm not able to pick them out at the moment.

I like this.

I'll update when I put ice in the next dram.


from csantosb

It is possible to contribute to improving #guix as the need for new functionalities, packages, fixes or upgrades arise. This is one of the strongest points in open communities: the possibility to participate on the development and continuous improvement of the tool. Let’s see how it goes when it comes to guix.
Guix is a huge project which follows closely the #freesoftware paradigm, and collaboration works in two directions. You take advantage of other developers contributions to guix, while you participate yourself to improving guix repositories with your fixes, updates or new features, once they have been tested. In a first approach, from my own experience, one may create a personal local repository of package definitions, for a personal use. As a second step, it is possible to create a public guix channel, in parallel to contributing upstream.
Contributing your code to guix comes to sending #email with your patches attached, it’s that simple. Don't be intimidated by the details (this is used by lots of open communities, after all). Once your patches are submitted, a review of your code follows, see details. Some tools, like mumi, are helpful to that purpose.

In detail

Following the kind of contribution (new additions, fixes or upgrades), these simple steps will allow you to start contributing to guix:

git clone guix itselft
from the guix repository, do:

sh guix shell -D guix -CPW ./bootstrap ./configure make -j$(nproc) ./pre-inst-env guix build hello add and commit your changes, watch the commit message
beware your synopses and descriptions
remember to run the package tests, if relevant
check the license
use an alphabetical order in input lists
no sign off your commits
don’t forget to use lint/style/refresh -l/dependents to check your code

Boring and routinary, right ?

Use sourcehut

Most of all the of the previous can be run automatically with help of sourcehut build farm #ci capabilities. Just simply, push the guix repository to At this point, it is possible to use this manifest file to run the lint/style/refresh -l/dependents testing stages on the yosys package definition, por example:

image: guix
shell: true
  prj: guix.guix
  cmd: "guix shell -D guix -CPWN git nss-certs -- ./pre-inst-env guix"
  - def_pkg: |
      cd "$prj"
      _pkg=$(git log -1 --oneline | cut -d':' -f 2 | xargs)
      echo "export pkg=$_pkg" >> "$HOME/.buildenv"
  - setup: |
      cd "$prj"
      guix shell -D guix -CPW -- ./bootstrap
      guix shell -D guix -CPW -- ./configure
      guix shell -D guix -CPW -- make -j $(nproc)
  - build: |
      cd "$prj"
      eval "$cmd build --rounds=5 $pkg"
  - lint: |
      cd "$prj"
      eval "$cmd lint $pkg"
  - style: |
      cd "$prj"
      eval "$cmd style $pkg --dry-run"
  - refresh: |
      cd "$prj"
      eval "$cmd refresh -l $pkg"
  - dependents: |
      cd "$prj"
      eval "$cmd build --dependents $pkg"
  - condition: failure
    action: email

Submit the manifest with

hut builds submit # --edit

You’ll be able to log into the build farm to follow the build process or to debug it with

hut builds ssh ID

Check the log here. As you can see, it fails: building of yosys succeeds, but building of packages which depend on it (--dependents) fails.


Sourcehut provides a facility to automatize patch submission and testing. Using its hub integrator, one may just send an email to the email list related to your project (guix in this case), which mimics guix behavior for accepting patches.
The trick here consists on appending the project name as a prefix to the subject of the message, for example [PATCH project-name], which will trigger the build of previous .build.yml manifest file at the root of the project, after applying the patch. Neat, right ?
If you followed right here, you’ll notice that previous build manifest file is monolithic, affecting always the same package (yosys), which is kind of useless, as we are here interested in testing our patch. Thus, the question on how to trigger a custom build containing an updated $pkg variable related to the patch to test remains open.
To update the contents of the $pkg variable in the build manifest, one has to parse the commit message in the patch, extracting from there the package name. This is not a problem, as guix imposes clear commit messages in patches, so typically something like

* gnu: gnunet: Update to 0.23.0


* gnu: texmacs: Add qtwayland-5

Hopefully, parsing these messages to get the package name, and so the value of $pkg is trivial.
Then, it remains to include in our build manifest a first task which updates the contents of "$HOME/.buildenv". This file is automatically populated using the environment variables in the manifest, and its contents are sourced at the beginning of all tasks. This mechanism allows passing variables between tasks.

echo "export pkg=value" >> "$HOME/.buildenv"

Send your contribution

Finally, once your changes go through all the tests,

use git send-email to create and send a patch
consider reviews, if any, updating your patch accordingly with git ammend
resend a new patch including a patch version (v1, v2 ...)

Interested ? Consult the documentation for details, you’ll learn a lot about how to contribute to a common good and collaboration with other people.


from csantosb

Remote #ci is the way to go in #modernhw digital design testing. In this #ciseries, let’s see how to implement it with detail using sourcehut and a real world example.
Sourcehut is a lightweight #gitforge where I host my #git repositories. Not only it is based on a paradigm perfectly adapted to #modernhw, but also its builds service includes support for guix (x86_64) images. This means that we will be able to execute all of our testing online inside guix profiles, shells or natively on top of the bare-bones image.


Let’s consider now a variant of the previous example with open-logic. Here, we concentrate on a toy design only for demonstration purposes, a dummy alu emulator, which uses #osvvm as verification framework and relies on a few #openlogic blocs. In this case, its dependencies are defined in a manifest.scm file, including both fw-open-logic and osvvm, among other dependencies.
Install dependencies locally, in a new profile with

cd alu
mkdir _deps
export GUIX_PROFILE=open-logic/_deps
guix install -P $GUIX_PROFILE -m .builds/manifest.scm
. $GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile

In this case, we will test the design using, first, a custom made makefile. Secondly, we will use hdlmake to automatically produce our makefile. Similarly to previous #openlogic example, two build manifest are used:


You’ll realise how some of the tasks are common with the case of previous #openlogic example (update channels, auth and update profile).


In this case, we also need to compile osvvm libraries

compile__osvvm, produce a compiled version of #osvvm verification libraries; this is necessary as we are using here the tcl scripts included in the library itself to follow the correct order of compilation. Libraries will appear within the local profile under $GUIX_PROFILE/VHDL_LIBS/GHDL-X.Y.Z


test, for a fully custom made testing pipeline; in this case, using a Makefile
Just simply, source the .envrc file where the local $GUIX_PROFILE variable is defined, cd to the ghdl directory and call make to compile the design and run the simulation in two steps: first, clean all and include sources in its corresponding libraries with

sh make __clean_all __include

Then, produce a new Makefile using ghdl.

sh ./ # ghdl --gen-makefile ...

Finally, run the simulation with

sh make GHDLRUNFLAGS="--stop-time=4us --disp-time --ieee-asserts=enable" run

This will produce a executable file before running it with the provided parameters.
You may notice that, in this case, you need to produce somehow your own Makefile, or equivalent pipeline, right ?


Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a tool to deploy online which produces makefiles for us ? It exists, and its name is #hdlmake.

Source the .envrc file where the local $GUIX_PROFILE variable is defined, cd to the .builds/hdlmake directory where all files are located, and call hdlmake to produce the Makefile. Finally, just run make to compile the design, produce an executable and run it.

Check the resulting logs inline here, for example.


from csantosb

Remote #ci is the way to go in #modernhw digital design testing. In this #ciseries, let’s see how to implement it with detail using sourcehut and a real world example.
Sourcehut is a lightweight #gitforge where I host my #git repositories. Not only it is based on a paradigm perfectly adapted to #modernhw, but also its builds service includes support for guix (x86_64) images. This means that we will be able to execute all of our testing online inside guix profiles, shells or natively on top of the bare-bones image.

Open logic

Let’s see how in detail using the cookbook as a starting point, and taking as a complete example the fw-open-logic #openlogic firmware package which comes with the electronics guix channel.
Get it with:

guix install fw-open-logic:out

Open logic is a useful #vhdl library of commonly used components, implemented in a reusable and vendor/tool-independent way. As any other #modernhw library, it includes tests sets for any of its components, using the vunit utility in this case.
To run the full tests suite use (user wide using the default $GUIX_PROFILE), install its dependencies, defined in a manifest.scm file (ghdl-clang and python-vunit in this case).

cd open-logic
guix install -m .builds/manifest.scm
cd sim
python3 --ghdl -v

or local to the project, using a profile

cd open-logic
mkdir _deps
export GUIX_PROFILE=open-logic/_deps
guix install -P $GUIX_PROFILE -m .builds/manifest.scm
. $GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile
cd sim
python3 --ghdl -v

go remote

Now, how do we proceed online using #sourcehut #ci builds facility ? Builds will pop up a new environment based on an up to date guix-system image when we push a commit to, provided we include a .build.yml build manifest file, or by a .build folder with up to 4 build manifest files, at the root of the git project [1]. Be careful: consider that this image is built daily using a crontab job, which is a good and a bad thing at the same time. From one side, you won’t be using the same environment for your tests, which breaks #reproducibility (see comments section below). On the other side, #guix is a rolling release, and new fancy features and new fixes are added every day. Keep this in mind.
Let’s create a .builds folder in a topic test branch, with the following contents:

manifest.scm, list of dependencies in our project
guix.scm, default guix repository, redundant, included here for convenience
channels.scm, list of guix channels remote repositories, in addition to the default guix repository, from where we pull packages
We will be using here my own electronics channel (no substitutes), as well as the guix science channel (which provides substitutes).
(note how here we load the local guix.scm file, instead of making use of the %default-channels global variable)

scheme (load "guix.scm") ;;; %default-channels, auth key to access substitutes of packages in guix channels

build manifests

From now on, every new push to the test #git branch will trigger the execution of the tasks defined in the three build manifest files


The two profile build manifest files use a slightly different approach, and are given here for comparison purposes only. The shell build manifest uses an isolated shell container within the image itself to illustrate this feature.
Inside the manifests, I declare the image to use, guix, and the global environment variables sourced before each task is run: prj (project name), srv (list of servers with substitutes), manifest and channels (pointing to the corresponding files) and key (same). It is important to declare a trigger action, to receive an email with all relevant information in case of failure (log, id, commit, etc.).


What’s interesting here is the list of tasks. Some of them are common to all three manifests

env, useful only for debugging
guix__update__channels, replace the default project local guix.scm file by the output of

sh guix describe --format=channels

The goal here is avoid pulling latest guix upstream, useless and cpu and time consuming, and using the local version instead. Remember that the guix system image we are using here is updated daily.

guix__auth, runs the authorize command to add the file to guix, so that we will be able to download package substitutes when necessary

sh sudo guix archive --authorize < "$key"

Here, one may opt by doing a

sh guix pull --channels="$channels"

as in profile2, to set the revision of the guix channels we are using (remember channels are nothing but git repositories).
Note how in profile1 and shell1 we opt for a different approach.
guix__update__profile, where we create a _deps folder to be used as a local $GUIX_PROFILE (defined in .envrc).
Then, one of

sh # profile1 guix time-machine --channels="$channels" -- \ package -p "$GUIX_PROFILE" \ --substitute-urls="$srv" \ -m "$manifest"


sh # profile2 guix \ package -p "$GUIX_PROFILE" \ --substitute-urls="$srv" \ -m "$manifest"

will install packages in $manifest into the $GUIX_PROFILE. I’m using here the time-machine mechanism to set the revision of the guix channels, depending if guix pull was run in the previous stage or not.
vunit, sets env variables in .envrc and runs python3 --ghdl -v inside sim directory
Note that here, we are using ghdl-clang and python-vunit packages, provided respectively by guix-science and the electronics channel.
guix__shell__test, used by shell1, make use of time-machine (no former guix pull, then), to create a shell container, where to install project dependencies. Then, if calls inmediately to run the unit tests

sh guix time-machine --channels="$channels" -- shell -C --substitute-urls="$srv" -m "$manifest" -- ./.builds/


You may check the logs of profile1, profile2 and shell1 manifests, including a section with logs per task, to better understand what’s going on here. Remember that #sourcehut gives ssh access to the builds by connecting to the runners in case of failures, which provides a practical way of debugging the manifest files.
You may see how, using the remove guix image, it is possible to deploy a series of tasks to test our #modernhw design as we develop it: we will get an email in case of failure to pass the tests. Here, I present three approaches: guix pulling to set the repositories revisions on use; time-machine, to achieve the same, and guix shell to create an isolated container. These three alternatives are not necessary here, of course, but are given as a simple and practical demo of what can be achieved with #guix, #sourcehut and #ci.
To conclude this long post, it is important to stress once again that the point on using #guix resides in its reproducibility capabilities. By keeping a couple of #plaintext files, namely the manifest.scm and channels.scm, one can obtain #determinism in the execution of the tests. Even if the guix image is upgraded and rebuilt daily (and so it changes), by fixing the revision of our channels (remember, guix pull or guix time-machine) we obtain always the same products out of our tests, as we run the same (project and tests) code, within exactly the same environment.

[1] It is also possible to automatically submit builds when a patch to a repo with build manifests is sent to a mailing list. This is achieved by appending the project name as a prefix to the subject of the message, for example [PATCH project-name].


from Kevin Neely's Security Notes

A resume workflow from Image: a typical resume content extraction workflow from

I used to keep my résumé (from here, “resume”) very up-to-date. For a long time, I had a resume crafted in #LaTeX because I have a long history with using that typesetting and markup language for purposes other than the ones most people think of, e.g. I wrote my college English papers in it, I had a slew of templates I created while I was a practicing attorney that would create letters, motions, and envelopes from source .tex files, etc. Keeping content in text makes it more portable across platforms and applications, and the nature of Microsoft Word is that you need to fully re-create the resume every couple years because some invisible formatting munges the entire document.

TL;DR I ended up using RenderCV as mentioned below in the [[Resume Workflow#RenderCV|RenderCV section]].

In the time since I last relied upon a resume, the method of applying for jobs –and more importantly, how recruiters review submissions– has changed pretty drastically. And despite all the great advances in technology over the past ten years, apparently, HR systems still are not that great at parsing a PDF or Word doc into text that can be machine-read by whatever algorithms and/or AI they’re using to perform the first pass. Because of this, you want to make sure to submit a machine-friendly description of your experience. There really should be a standard for all this stuff that makes it easy on both the applicant and the hiring manager. Like, I don’t know, some sort of HR standards body or something. A standard has never emerged, and I suspect that LinkedIn has a lot to do with that.

Additionally, having an easy way to keep one’s resume in sync and in multiple formats means that it can be quickly used for many purposes, from printing an attractive hard copy to piping it through some [[Fabric]] AI workflows. So this set me on a fairly long hunt for a system where I could write once, and generate in multiple formats.

The search for a resume workflow

First round

LaTeX & Pandoc

Since my resume was already in LaTeX, using the 20 second CV set of template –which I think is very nice– I went and updated that and then ran it through pandoc, which is a multi-format document converter. The results ended up being pretty poor and not useful. The PDF looked great, obviously, but pandoc did not understand the LaTeX very well and the Markdown required a lot of edits.

We want everything to look good upon compilation/export/save as/whatever, so this was not an option.


I had kind of given up at this point, figuring I either needed to just go Google Docs or maintain a Markdown version and attempt to keep them in sync. Then, I came across a post about an auto-application bot and the author had a related project that used resume information formatted as YAML to create a specific resume based upon job description or LinkedIn post.

Resume from Job Description

This project is called resume render from job description (no cute animal names or obtuse references in this project!), and I gave it a try, but it appeared to require all the fields, including e.g. GPA. I don’t know about you, but I'm way past the point in my career where I'm putting my GPA on a resume, so it wasn’t that useful.

It was late on a Thursday night, so obviously it was time to look a bit further into the rabbit hole

Online options

I found a number of projects that were a service model where they host and render the resume for you. These included (I question the naming choice here), Reactive resume (opensource, excellent domain name, and it has nice documentation), and WTF resume (my thought exactly!).

These all came from a post of 14 Open-source Free Resume Builder and CV Generator Apps.


As I traveled further down the Internet search rabbit hole, I came across JSON Resume, an #opensource project with a hosting component where people craft their resumes in JSON and it can then render in a number of formats either via a command-line tool or within their hosted service, making it a kind of hybrid option.

At this point, I felt like I was almost there, but it wasn’t exactly what I wanted. JSONResume is very focused around being part of their ecosystem and publishing within their hosting ecosystem. The original #CLI tool is no longer maintained, and a new one is being worked on, which appears minimal but sufficient for the task. A nice thing is that they have some add-ons and have created a sort of ecosystem of tools. Looking over the project’s 10 year history, those tools have a tendency to come and go, but such is the nature of OSS.

The Award for “Project Most Suited to My Workflow” goes to….

Another great thing about JSON Resume is that they, i.e. Thomas Davis, have done a fantastic job of cataloging various resume systems out there in their JSON Resume projects section. There is so much interesting stuff here –and a lot of duplicative effort ahem see the “HR Standards” comment above– that you can spend a couple days looking for the project that best fits your needs. For me, I landed on RenderCV, which is not only in the bibliography, but also mentioned on the Getting Started page because there are tools to leverage JSON Resume from RenderCV!

So without further ado…


While RenderCV is a part of the JSON Resume ecosystem, in that people have created scripts to convert from the latter to the former, it is a completely separate and standalone project. Written in #python and installable via pip. RenderCV’s approach is to leverage a YAML file, and from that generate consistent resumes in PDF, HTTML, Markdown, and even individual PNG files, allowing the applicant to meet whatever arcane requirements the prospective employer has.

graph LR

	YAML --> TeX & Markdown 
	TeX --> PDF & HTML & PNG

Resume generation workflow

Using RenderCV

Getting started with RenderCV is like pretty much any other project built in python

  1. Create a virtual environment using venv or conda, e.g. conda create -n renderCV python=3.12.4
  2. Install via pip with a simple command pip install rendercv
  3. Follow the quick start guide and create a YAML file with your information in it
  4. Run rendercv render <my_cv>.yaml
  5. View the lovely rendered résumé

Extending RenderCV

This was great, as I now have a very easy-to-edit source document for my résumé and can quickly create others. I’m hoping Sina, the author, makes the framework a bit more extensible in the future because the current templates are oriented toward people with STEM backgrounds looking for individual contributor roles. However, as some of us move further in our careers, the résumé should be less about skills and projects, but more about responsibilities and accomplishments as we lead teams. I have enhanced the “classic” and “sb2nov” themes so that they take these keywords as subsections to a specific company/role combination under the professional_experience section.

Theme update for Leaders and Managers

I created a fork which contains updates to v1.14, adding the “Responsibilities” and “Accomplishments” subsections for company: under the Experience section.
This allows leaders to craft their resume or CV in such a way that it highlights the breadth of their influence and impact to the organization.

The following themes support the additional subsections: – markdown – classic – sb2nov

A non-updated theme will simply ignore the content under these subsections; omitting these sections will make the resume look like the original theme. Hopefully the framework will be more extensible in the future and I can add this as a pull request.
In the meantime, the forked repo at should work on its own, or the /ExperienceEntry.j2.tex and / files from those themes can simply be copied over the existing.

How to use

Usage is extremely straightforward, as this merely extends the framework with a couple new keywords for the Experience section and looking for a preceding company declaration. Here is an example:

  - company: NASA
	position: Director of Flight Operations
	location: Houston, TX
	start_date: 1957-03
	end_date: 1964-06
	  - Manage the Control room.
	  - Write performance reports.
	  - Smoke copious amounts of cigarettes
	  - 100% staff retention over the course of 9 rocket launches.
	  - Mobilized and orchestrated multiple teams to rescue astronauts trapped in space.
	  - Lung cancer.

This will then render “responsibilities” and “accomplishments” as italicized sections under the job role, highlighting what a difference made while performing in that role.

Maintaining Multiple Versions

This is basically what it all comes down to: the ability to maintain different versions for your target companies. While some work is being done to modularize the source content, it is not yet to the point where each section of the resume is a building block that can be invoked at compile time. What I do is maintain different YAML files and use the parameters in the rendercv_settings section to direct the output to different, meaningfully-named directories while maintaining a generic name for the file itself.

So, instead of “Kevin-LargeCorprole.pdf”, “Kevin-Startuprole.pdf”, etc., I simply send “Kevin-CV.pdf”. This way, it’s not incredibly obvious to the reviewer that I have specially-crafted a resume for that job, it just happens to look like I have exactly what they’re looking for in my default resume.


Want to automate the build of your resume whenever you update the source file(s)? Look no further than rendercv pipeline to generate the output whenever you commit source to GitHub.

Also, since version 1.15, the --watch flag will watch the source file locally and re-compile every time you save the source YAML file.

References and further exploration

  1. blog post: What is a CV/Resume Parser and How Does it Work?, Trinh Nguyen, Aug 16, 2022.
  2. TeXMaker: an Open-source TeX editor
  3. RenderCV user guide

from csantosb

Remote #ci is the way to go in #modernhw digital design testing. In this #ciseries, let’s see it in practice with some detail using two of the most popular forges out there.


The gitlab #gitforge includes tones of features. Among these, a facility called the container registry, which stores per project container images. Guix pack allows the creation of custom #reproductible environments as images. In particular, it is possible to create a docker image out of our manifest and channels files with

guix time-machine -C channels.scm -- pack --compression=xz --save-provenance -f docker -m manifest.scm

Check the documentation for options.
Remember that there are obviously alternative methods to produce docker images. The point on using guix resides on its reproducibility capabilities: you’ll be able to create a new, identical docker image, out of the manifest and channels files at any point in time. Even more: you’ll have the capacity to retrieve your manifest file out of the binary image in case your manifest file gets lost.
Then, this image must be loaded into the local docker store with

docker load < IMAGE

and renamed to something meaningful

docker tag IMAGE:latest

go remote

Finally, pushed to the remote container registry of your project with

docker push

At this point, you have an environment where you’ll run your tests using gitlab's ci features. You’ll set up your gitlab’s runners and manifest files to use this container to execute your jobs.
As an alternative, you could use a ssh executor running on your own fast and powerful hardware resources (dedicated machine, shared cluster, etc.). In this case, you’d rather produce an apptainer container image with:

guix time-machine -C channels.scm -- pack -f squashfs ...

scp this container file to your computing resources and call it from the #gitlab runner.


The github is probably the most popular #gitforge out there. It follows a similar to #gitlab in its conception (pull requests and merge requests, you catch the idea ?). It also includes a container registry, and the set of features if offers may be exchanged with ease with any other #gitforge following the same paradigm. No need to go into more details.
There is a couple of interesting tips about using #github, though. It happens more usually than not that users encounter frequently problems of #reproducibility when using container images hosted on, the hosting service for user images. These images are usually employed for running #ci testing pipelines, and they usually break as upstream changes happen: updates, image definition changes, image packages upgrades, etc. If you read my dependencies hell post, this should ring a bell.
What can be done about in what concerns #modernhw ? Well, we have #guix. Let’s try a differente approach: building an image locally, and pushing it to #github registry. Let’s see how.

in practice

An example repository shows tha way to proceed. Its contents allow to create a docker container image to be hosted remotely. It includes all that’s necessary to perform remote #ci testing of a #modernhw #vhdl design.

docker pull
docker images # check $ID
docker run -ti $ID bash

It includes a couple of #plaintext files to produce a #deterministic container. First, the channels.scm file with the list of guix chanels to use to pull packages from. Then, a manifest.scm, with the list of packages to be install within the container.
The image container may be build with

image=$(guix time-machine --channels=channels.scm -- \
             pack -f docker \
             -S /bin=bin \
             --save-provenance \
             -m manifest.scm)

At this point, it is to be load to the docker store with

docker load < $image
# docker images

Now it is time to tag the image

docker tag IMID

and login to

docker login -u USER -p PASSWORD

Finally, the image is to be push remotely

docker push


You’ll may test this image using the neorv32 project, for example, with:

docker pull
docker run -ti ID bash
git clone --depth=1
cd neorv32
git clone --depth=1 test
cd test
rm -rf neorv32
ln -sf ../../neorv32 neorv32
python3 sim/ --ci-mode -v

from Ducks

From to Lots of domains moved , both ips in Hetzner space. Many of the domanis are fake crypto investing sites #cryptoscam. And other scam sites.