Kevin Neely's Security Notes


Nextcloud administration notes

These instructions and administrative notes were written for the pre-built Nextcloud provided by hosting provider Vultr. As a way to de- #Google my life and take back a bit of #privacy, I have been using a Vultr-hosted instance for a couple years now and it has run quite well. These notes are really aimed at the small instance for personal use. Please don’t use my notes if you’re responsible for an enterprise server!

Upgrading Nextcloud

#Nextcloud, with all it's PHP-based functionality, can become temperamental if not upgraded appropriately.  These are my notes to remind me how to now completely break things. When upgrading, the first pass will usually bring you to the most up-to-date version of Nextcloud in your major release, e.g. an instance running 27.1.4 would be brought up to 27.1.11. Running the script again would bring the instance to 28.0.x.

To update a Nextcloud server running on the #Vultr service to the latest version, you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Backup your Nextcloud data: Before starting any update process, it's always a good idea to create a backup of your Nextcloud data. This will ensure that you can restore your data in case of any unexpected issues during the update process.
    1. Shutdown the OS with shutdown -h now
    2. Power down the instance in Vultr
    3. Create a snapshot
    4. Wait
    5. Wait some more – depending on how much data is hosted on the system
    6. Power it back up
  2. SSH into the Vultr server: To update the Nextcloud server, you need to access the server using SSH. You can use an SSH client such as PuTTY to connect to the Vultr server.
  3. Switch to the Nextcloud user: Once you are logged in, switch to the Nextcloud user using the following command: sudo su -s /bin/bash www-data.
  4. Navigate to the Nextcloud directory: Navigate to the Nextcloud directory using the following command: cd/var/www/html  (could be /var/www/nextcloud or other.  Check what's in use)
  5. Stop the Nextcloud service: To avoid any conflicts during the update process, stop the Nextcloud service using the following command (as www-data): php occ maintenance:mode --on 
  6. Update the Nextcloud server: To update the Nextcloud server, you need to run the following command(as www-data): php updater/updater.phar. This will start the update process and download the latest version of Nextcloud.
  7. Update the OS, as needed, with apt upgrade
  8. Start the Nextcloud service: Once the update is complete and verified, you can start the Nextcloud service using the following command: sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:mode --off.
  9. Verify the update: After the update process is complete, you can verify the update by accessing the Nextcloud login page. You should see the latest version of Nextcloud listed on the login page.
  10. Assuming all is running smoothly, the snapshot that was created in step 1 can be safely deleted. Otherwise, they accrue charges on the order of pennies / gigabyte / day.

Some other notes

Remove files in the trash

When a user deletes files, it can take a long time from them to actually disappear from the server.

root@cloud:/var/www/html# sudo -u www-data php -f /var/www/html/cron.php root@cloud:/var/www/html# sudo -u www-data php occ config:app:delete files_trashbin background_job_expire_trash

Set files to expire

root@cloud:/var/www/html# sudo -u www-data php occ config:app:set —value=yes iles_trashbin background_job_expire_trash