So Today I Worked On.. Getting VLANs to Work
I think. I'm getting a Ubiquiti-heavy network set up but not wanting to spend gazillions of dollars on Ubiquiti hardware, when I have a perfectly functioning home router set up already. The issue is getting VLAN IoT separation going without a managed switch. I think I know a way to do it but that will be a later tonight thing. Hopefully I don't royally screw up the network installation because it'll be a pain to get going again.
#VLAN #Ubiquiti #OhGodsOhNo #Network
So Today I Worked On.. Forgetting it was Tuesday
When you have lunch plans for people on Wednesday, make sure the day is actually Wednesday before you get ready to go meet them and wonder why you haven't heard from them yet today. It's been a very long year these last few days.
So Today I Worked On.. TrueNAS
I had an error that a disk of mine was incorrectly sized and it ACCUSED me of resizing and disk that it was using and all the volume information was incorrect. I mean, it was probably correct anyway. “Device has size of xxx sectors which is smaller than corresponding PV size of xxx sectors. Was device resized?” and all. Turned out, for me thankfully, a simple “pvresize /dev/nvmedisk” fixed the error so I don't have to worry about it.
So Today I Worked On.. Ollama and LLM Code
What the heck is this code? I'm going to spend more time debugging this code than I would have if I had just written it myself. It's calling libraries and functions that simply don't exist, or they exist in someone else's code but not mine. I feel extra bad for anyone who was laid off to be replaced by this, it's just.. not good code at all.
#Ollama #LLM #ML
So Today I Worked On.. Setting up Gitea
My friend wanted to get practice with git, but didn't want to make any mistakes with github just in case. I set up an instance of gitea on my TrueNAS system to give them a volatile area to mess around in without causing any damage. This hopefully will be a great playground for them to get the experience they need with it without the stress of making a huge mistake on something like a real repo, and also the experience for any future job!
#Git #TrueNAS #Gitea #Homelab
So Today I Worked On.. Solving Roommate Troubles
My roommate's car finally hit the point where repairing it would cost more than it's actually worth, effectively totaling it. I've been hanging out with a local used car dealer at a local venue who seems like a stand-up guy when it comes to not screwing over customers, so I reached out to both of them to arrange a referral to help him go look at cars he may have or may be able to get. My car is being borrowed at the moment so he can use it to get to and from work, and in just 2 weeks he's put more miles on it than I have in.. 2 years? WFH is awesomesauce. Completely 100% go for it.
So Today I Worked On.. Blogging
So I'm going to start getting active here to build up a blogging repertoire and improve my writing skills again. It has been a very long time since I've been able to not only do something like this to discuss what I'm working on, but also to bring myself to get around to doing it, too.
I hope to eventually move to something like YouTube with my processes on learning things, since that's the part you don't normally see as a behind-the-scenes kind of stuff. A lot of times for me it's just trial and error, stumbling through until it either clicks or works. It's pretty much how I learn, but once I do it sticks.
#Blogging #Writing
So Today I Worked On.. Rust (Language)
Working on a personal but professional project, I needed a way to iterate through a member of a struct contained within a Vec<> and I stumbled upon impl a Deref for the Vec<> that looooks like it should work, but I'll know in a while when I get around to implementing the function that will do that kind of thing.
I'm hoping to figure out how licensing and activation works in the long run. Right now, baby steps.
So Today I Worked On.. TrueNAS
I've implemented so many containers in TrueNAS for homeserver functionality. The vital ones that I love so far have been Nextcloud, Immich, Homepage, Paperless-ngx, and Gitea. So many of my items are stored locally now on a server that I control with some failover just in case a drive goes bad.
The hardest part has really been learning the fine points, like creating the UIDs that some of the containers want, and figuring out how to partition the datasets to be efficient. I know I still have a LOT more to learn, especially concerning Docker and “Containerizing” functionality. I'm old-school IT, so this newfangled stuff is suddenly all over the place.
#TrueNAS #Docker #Containers #Nextcloud #Immich #Homepage #Paperless #Gitea #Homelab
First test post please ignore