10: eBay's rate-limiting when logging in

eBay is sometimes tedious to deal with. I use the site to buy electronic parts for repair, but some aspects of the site are annoying to deal with.

For example, if you use a password manager, then you should wait a few seconds (at least 5 seconds, if I had to pick name a number) before submitting your password. (Then, you will be prompted with an hCaptcha, if you are using a VPN; followed by an SMS message for 2FA.)

I received an error message, identical to that described in an EcommerceBytes article from January 2021. I think this was because I tried to log in very quickly, assisted by KeePassXC.

This YouTube video from August 2023 also shows the rate limiting.

This is sort of annoying, as checking my order status on eBay is currently my only way to check the shipping status of orders, since even the U.S. Postal Service completely blocks VPNs (at least Mullvad VPN) when I tried doing this about two days ago.