sourcehut as guix test farm

It is possible to contribute to improving #guix as the need for new functionalities, packages, fixes or upgrades arise. This is one of the strongest points in open communities: the possibility to participate on the development and continuous improvement of the tool. Let’s see how it goes when it comes to guix.
Guix is a huge project which follows closely the #freesoftware paradigm, and collaboration works in two directions. You take advantage of other developers contributions to guix, while you participate yourself to improving guix repositories with your fixes, updates or new features, once they have been tested. In a first approach, from my own experience, one may create a personal local repository of package definitions, for a personal use. As a second step, it is possible to create a public guix channel, in parallel to contributing upstream.
Contributing your code to guix comes to sending #email with your patches attached, it’s that simple. Don't be intimidated by the details (this is used by lots of open communities, after all). Once your patches are submitted, a review of your code follows, see details. Some tools, like mumi, are helpful to that purpose.

In detail

Following the kind of contribution (new additions, fixes or upgrades), these simple steps will allow you to start contributing to guix:

git clone guix itselft
from the guix repository, do:

sh guix shell -D guix -CPW ./bootstrap ./configure make -j$(nproc) ./pre-inst-env guix build hello add and commit your changes, watch the commit message
beware your synopses and descriptions
remember to run the package tests, if relevant
check the license
use an alphabetical order in input lists
no sign off your commits
don’t forget to use lint/style/refresh -l/dependents to check your code

Boring and routinary, right ?

Use sourcehut

Most of all the of the previous can be run automatically with help of sourcehut build farm #ci capabilities. Just simply, push the guix repository to At this point, it is possible to use this manifest file to run the lint/style/refresh -l/dependents testing stages on the yosys package definition, por example:

image: guix
shell: true
  prj: guix.guix
  cmd: "guix shell -D guix -CPWN git nss-certs -- ./pre-inst-env guix"
  - def_pkg: |
      cd "$prj"
      _pkg=$(git log -1 --oneline | cut -d':' -f 2 | xargs)
      echo "export pkg=$_pkg" >> "$HOME/.buildenv"
  - setup: |
      cd "$prj"
      guix shell -D guix -CPW -- ./bootstrap
      guix shell -D guix -CPW -- ./configure
      guix shell -D guix -CPW -- make -j $(nproc)
  - build: |
      cd "$prj"
      eval "$cmd build --rounds=5 $pkg"
  - lint: |
      cd "$prj"
      eval "$cmd lint $pkg"
  - style: |
      cd "$prj"
      eval "$cmd style $pkg --dry-run"
  - refresh: |
      cd "$prj"
      eval "$cmd refresh -l $pkg"
  - dependents: |
      cd "$prj"
      eval "$cmd build --dependents $pkg"
  - condition: failure
    action: email

Submit the manifest with

hut builds submit # --edit

You’ll be able to log into the build farm to follow the build process or to debug it with

hut builds ssh ID

Check the log here. As you can see, it fails: building of yosys succeeds, but building of packages which depend on it (--dependents) fails.


Sourcehut provides a facility to automatize patch submission and testing. Using its hub integrator, one may just send an email to the email list related to your project (guix in this case), which mimics guix behavior for accepting patches.
The trick here consists on appending the project name as a prefix to the subject of the message, for example [PATCH project-name], which will trigger the build of previous .build.yml manifest file at the root of the project, after applying the patch. Neat, right ?
If you followed right here, you’ll notice that previous build manifest file is monolithic, affecting always the same package (yosys), which is kind of useless, as we are here interested in testing our patch. Thus, the question on how to trigger a custom build containing an updated $pkg variable related to the patch to test remains open.
To update the contents of the $pkg variable in the build manifest, one has to parse the commit message in the patch, extracting from there the package name. This is not a problem, as guix imposes clear commit messages in patches, so typically something like

* gnu: gnunet: Update to 0.23.0


* gnu: texmacs: Add qtwayland-5

Hopefully, parsing these messages to get the package name, and so the value of $pkg is trivial.
Then, it remains to include in our build manifest a first task which updates the contents of "$HOME/.buildenv". This file is automatically populated using the environment variables in the manifest, and its contents are sourced at the beginning of all tasks. This mechanism allows passing variables between tasks.

echo "export pkg=value" >> "$HOME/.buildenv"

Send your contribution

Finally, once your changes go through all the tests,

use git send-email to create and send a patch
consider reviews, if any, updating your patch accordingly with git ammend
resend a new patch including a patch version (v1, v2 ...)

Interested ? Consult the documentation for details, you’ll learn a lot about how to contribute to a common good and collaboration with other people.