Status Report

It feels good to be where I am. Over the past few months, I have been running a cybersecurity internship program. Last week that finally came to an end. It was a great learning experience for both the interns and myself. We got to see a lot of cool things and I think everyone grew. Now that there aren't interns to take up my time, I have been able to dive back into my projects and research and I feel so happy again. I am really starting to wrap up some outstanding projects.

Defcon: I attend Defcon 31 this year and learned a lot! It was a great experience and I am very happy to have gone. I created a presentation for work after cleaning up all my notes and had a really learned a lot. Now, I have a list of action items that came from the conference and my talk! Things like detection engineering and actually utilizing some of the tools that I was exposed to. I think my favorite talk was the Electron app TCC vuln that was disclosed.

Some other bits and bobs:

For the rest of year, I have some goals set that I plan on achieving: – GCP training – GREP Cert – Better detections and more coding – BSides Philadelphia – One more good write up in 2023 about something valuable I learned. – My idea is a write up on how to efficiently exploit something like PDQ after post compromise.